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Quarterly Newsletter From Your President

FALL 2022

Hello Dear Members,

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall weather. The SVC-CAMFT board is getting ready to end 2022 on a high note! Since we last spoke in July, we had many successful events like the Member Appreciation Picnic, educational workshops on somatic experiences, and Brainspotting. We also hosted CAMFT workshops - Road to Licensure and State Of the Profession. We sincerely want to thank all of you for participating in all the events with enthusiasm.
The 3000 Club
continues to meet online monthly to discuss important topics for the pre-license members such as practicum sites, career goals and objectives, training opportunities, licensure tests, BBS paperwork, and supervision experiences. Kindra McCall, our 3000 Club Chair, has created a new resources page for our pre-licensed members.

Linita Burnley will host the last Community Huddle of this year on December 4th. Linita has been a pillar of the chapter for the last 3-4 years. We are very grateful for her service.

The peer consultation group will resume in January so if you didn’t get a chance to participate this year, please do so next year. Thank you to the mentors who are actively participating in the mentorship program. This is a great addition to member benefits. Hope you are utilizing it.

Important Upcoming Dates

The board election ballots for 2023 will be emailed on November 10. Do exercise your right to vote and enter into a raffle to win a free workshop. We have 3 incredible candidates who are dedicated to the chapter and genuinely care about the profession. The President-Elect position is still vacant. If you are inclined towards it please contact me at

Volunteers are the backbone of any non-profit organization. We value our volunteers. We appreciate any amount of time you can spare. Give it thought and get involved in 2023. This is your chapter! Learn more HERE.

Make sure to complete this survey, which will also go out with the election ballots. You have a chance to voice your opinion about how the chapter served you this year, list the training you are interested in and give suggestions on improvements. Your input is very valuable and will be considered.

Last but not least, I am immensely thankful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you and supporting the board all year long. The board has worked very hard to serve and support the members in many different ways. Attend the Annual Membership Meeting on Zoom on December 4th and see for yourself the progress we have made this year. See you then!

Amita Khare
President, SVC-CAMFT


Upcoming Chapter Events


Ballots sent Nov 10, voting closes Dec 15

November Board Meeting
Mon, Nov 14, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Online

Annual Membership Meeting
Sun, Dec 4, 2022, 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Online

Community Huddle on Zoom (Free)
Sun, Dec 4, 2022 6:00 PM - Online

The Chapter Exchange

To view the current member ads visit The Chapter Exchange. You need to log in to post an ad.

The online Chapter Exchange is for posting notices to the membership and the public. Members can add a post for free. You can add attachments/flyers, photos, and web links.

To get posts in your inbox, you need to subscribe. See this new feature HERE.

You can visit The Chapter Exchange page anytime to view current ads online.


Board of Directors

Amita Khare, LMFT

President Elect: 
Angel Ortiz, LMFT

Linita Burnley-Morris, LMFT

Victoria Tognozzi, LMFT

Cassandra Flagg, LMFT

Membership Chair: 
Suzanne Quijano, LMFT

3000 Club Chair:
Kindra McCall, AMFT

Volunteer Chair: 
Vanessa Avila-Pons, LMFT

Sponsorship Chair: 
Jennifer Viscidy, AMFT

Diversity Chair: 
Angel Ortiz, LMFT

Program Co-Chairs: 
Alexandra Thompson
Janani Ventakteswaran, AMFT

Social Media Liason:  Alison Mae Teodosio

PO BOX 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816  |  (916) 597-0811  | 

©2021 SVC-CAMFT, All Rights Reserved. Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT
PO BOX 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816    |    Email: 
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