registered associate |
For registered associates in a mental health field (AMFT, ASW, APCC).
Not sure which membership type is for you - click here.
- Free 3000 Club workshops
- Discounted workshops, all-day trainings, law and ethics updates
- Professional development
- Networking with local experts and mental health professional
- The Chapter Exchange where members share their expertise, get referrals, list their events and trainings, learn about job opportunities, office rentals and more
- Leadership opportunities for growth and volunteering with SVC-CAMFT
- Increased visibility and professional credibility in the Sacramento region
- Build and maintain referral contacts
- Free newsletter
- Encouragement and growth by those who know the process
- Facebook page dedicated to pre-Licensed members
- Free access to BBS Q & A sessions
- Opportunity for statewide and national reach and impact
- Vote your voice in SVC-CAMFT elections
You must be a member of CAMFT to join SVC-CAMFT for these excellent benefits.