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SVC-CAMFT is one of the largest chapters of LMFTs in northern California. Our e-blasts go to approximately 1700 recipients including chapter members, non-members and agencies. We believe in collaborating across the mental health field for the benefit of the professional community and the community at large. We are delighted to partner with people and companies who share this vision.

We would love to partner with you and we can customize the packets so they will be of mutual benefit. Please contact for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks, The SVC-CAMFT Board

Reach regional mental health professionals

  • 90-140 participants at multiple 6 CE workshops held throughout the year
  • 20-60 members at 2 CE workshops
  • Regular networking events/opportunities
  • Attendance and membership:
    • Marriage and Family Therapists
    • Social Workers
    • Professional Counselors
    • Allied professionals
    • Active communication with members
    • Newsletter
    • Facebook
    • Twitter (#svccamft)
  • Statewide and national reach and impact
  • Flexible sponsor participation and support  available
  • Choose a sponsorship package or create your own
  • Sponsorship options available for facilitating in-kind services like the following:
  • Recruit new SVC-CAMFT Sponsors
  • Recruit new SVC-CAMFT Members

Sponsorship Tiers

Contact us

Scholarship Partner

A unique opportunity to offer a donation towards an educational grant or scholarship, minimum of $100 for individuals and $500 for corporations.  If you opt to donate funds toward a scholarship, SVC-CAMFT will facilitate the review and selection of the recipients.  Partner determines whether the scholarship is merit based, need based, student specific or career specific. Grants are usually not categorized and it is up to sponsor’s discretion as to whether SVC-CAMFT selects the recipient or not.

Partnership opportunities include Scholarships, Programs, 3000 Club, CARE and Community Outreach

We propose that sponsors can specify which area they are most interested in contributing to. However, at the end of the year all sponsorship contributions not used will be placed in general funds to be allocated as needed.

©2021 SVC-CAMFT, All Rights Reserved. Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT
PO BOX 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816    |    Email:

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