The Summer Streams 2013 SVC-CAMFT Newsletter.
Valley Chapter
California Association of Marriage
& Family Therapists Newsletter
Editor: Heather Blessing, MFT
Registered Intern
Having Problems Reading this E-Mail? Click Here to read it on our website.
Letter from the Board
Hello Colleagues, I have been following the recent state CAMFT Bylaw controversy and it brings to my attention that we (MFTs) often are passive. It is almost the nature of our work. We help marriages and families with their issues while trying not to take sides. We often need to stay calm when our clients emotions are high. We need to be their sounding board and often just give them tools to work out their problems. We take on so much hurt and strong emotions and try to be the calm in the storm. When we are done for the day we are tired and often emotionally spent. When the ballots went out this year, just over 5% actually sent them back in. What about the other 90+% of us? So today I am going to give a "pep-talk". We need YOUR involvement because YOU matter. SVC-CAMFT and CAMFT needs you to be more involved.
Here at SVC-CAMFT, we cannot provide you with trainings, communications, and up to date information if we do not have your involvement. We need your expertise. For many of us MFTs and MFT Interns - this is our second or third career. Use your previous expertise and experience to help SVC-CAMFT bring you more benefits and more opportunities. For those of you that need to network and get more connected to others - there is no greater way than volunteering for SVC-CAMFT.
Many of us work in private practice and do not get a chance to be around our colleagues very often, volunteering for SVC-CAMFT is a great way to meet and talk with colleagues and learn about new therapies and new topics. Do you want more CEU opportunities on things you are interested in then give us feedback. Let us know what you want to see change. Consider helping us making those changes or getting us connected with more speakers and opportunities. We all know people outside of SVC-CAMFT that are experts in certain areas let us know about them. What about you? What are you an expert in? Could you give a training about what you are experienced in?
We have many opportunities for your to give your feedback, input, energy and time to help us become AMAZING! We don't just want to shoot for average or good but we want to become an AMAZING Chapter.
Here are some opportunities I hope you will consider:
Board Positions One of our long time members and current Hospitality Co-Chair, Carol Mahr, is leaving us to be in the Military Family Life Counseling Program. This leaves a position open. There will be several board positions that will be open as we work to make many of the positions co-chair positions so we can split the work load more effectively. (if interested contact
Volunteers We are always looking for volunteers to help with the events we hold and support (Walks, Conferences, Socials, Networking). We are always looking for good ideas and also for people to back them up with the time and energy to do them. If you have a great idea but cannot run it - help us get a committee together or gather some volunteers to make it a reality. (if interested contact
Nomination Committee We are putting together our Nomination Committee for the next election. Join it and help us find and nominate our SVC-CAMFT Executive Board. (if interested contact
Articles The Newsletter runs a Special Feature that includes articles. It is always a struggle to find an article and get permission to use it. Have you written an article? Do you know of a good article that you could help us get permission to print? Do you have ideas for the type of articles you would like to see? (if interested contact
Book and Movie Reviews Have you read a book or seen a movie that you feel might benefit (or not) members of SVC-CAMFT? Write a quick paragraph of what you thought of it and why or why not it is a benefit to us. Even a TV show that you think deserves attention could be a subject of a review. (if interested contact
Training Synopsis At every training we ask for a volunteer to write up a quick synopsis of the training. It only takes a few minutes of note taking and a quick write-up sent by email and you get a free ticket for one of our trainings. (raise your hand if your interested at the beginning of the training).
Letters to the Editor It had been suggested several times and we now have a Letters to the Editor column in our newsletter. If we do not get Letters to the Editor, then it will really not be a place to hear differing opinions. We really do want to hear your feedback and ideas and what you have to say about issues - any issues. (if interested contact
Board Meetings Want to see the inner workings of our chapter? Want to suggest changes? Come to our Board Meetings. The Newsletter will always list the board meeting for the year and the location and times of those board meetings. Get involved - come and sit in.
Training Survey Do our Training Days and Times work for you? If not, fill out this survey and let us know the days and times that do work for you.
There are lots of opportunities to help us become an AMAZING Chapter, but it will only be AMAZING with your help!
And in case I did not give a good enough pep talk -Enjoy this one!
Sincerely Yours, Chad Thompson
This issue:
· Letter From the Board
· Legal Beagle· Bylaws Statement· Training Survey · June Presentation Summary
· September Meeting Information · Networking Event
· Upcoming Board Meetings· Gottman Level II Training· Run for Courage · Farewell Carol Mahr· Looking for Hospitality Co-Chair · Special Feature· Letters to the Editor · Psyched about Books and Movies· Summer Streams $avings· Advertising and Announcements· Advertising Policy for the Newsletter
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Chad Thompson, MFT President-Elect: Jill P. Lawler, MFT Past President: Eva Tak, MFT Secretary: Brad Gilbert, MFT Intern Treasurer: Beverly
Baldwin, MFT Intern Members-At-Large: Dr.
Linda Sessions, MFT
Lee, MFT Intern Program
Chair: Tracy Thomas Assistant
Program Chair: Karla Amanda Brown, MFT Intern Hospitality
Co-Chairs: Carol Mahr, MFT Kimberlie Flowers, MFT Pre-License
Chair: Luis Gonzalez, MFT Intern Volunteer Chair: Catherine Zanzi, MFT Intern Membership
Co-Chairs: Cheryl Cleveland, MFT Intern
Miriam Hernandez, MFT Intern Newsletter
Editor: Heather Blessing, MFT Intern
Welcome to the section of the SVC-CAMFT newsletter, Legal Beagle written
by Darlene Davis, LMFT. The chapter thought it would be helpful to keep you
updated on new laws, legislative pursuits or actions, as well as ongoing legal
and ethical dilemmas we all face in our career as Licensed Marriage and Family
Therapists, Interns, and Trainees. Please feel free to ask questions that you
have and I will do my best to investigate and post your answer in the
newsletter. Please note that articles are based on information from CAMFT
and/or the BBS and have been researched to the best of my ability. This is not
meant to be legal advice. Please
contact CAMFT or Board of Behavioral Sciences for any legal matters you need
assistance for.
BBS Update – Meeting Thursday, August 22, 2013 Below
are some of the highlights of the BBS meeting that I thought you might be
interested in. Processing Times: MFT
Intern application is taking 26 days LMFT
Examination is taking 202 days LCSW
Examination is taking 200 days LEP
Examination is taking 62 days BreEZe
Update: Below
is the current timeline for BreEZe “Go Live” date: · Early September 2013 – All release
boards/bureaus must complete and cease all cashiering transactions on a date
specified by the BreEZe team. Cashiering transactions will resume after BreEZe
goes live. · Early September 2013 - All remaining DCA
boards/bureaus must complete and cease cashiering transactions on a date
specified by the BreEZe team. Cashiering transactions will resume after BreEZe
goes live. · Mid-September 2013 –DOJ fingerprint
processing for all DCA boards/bureaus will cease on a date specified by the
BreEZe team. Fingerprint processing will resume after BreEZe goes live. · Mid-September 2013– All exam eligibility
transactions to the testing vendor must be completed by 1:00
pm on a date specified by the BreEZe team. Exam eligibility transactions to the
vendor will resume after BreEZe goes live. · Mid-September 2013 – Five days prior to
“Go Live” all current systems (ATS/CAS) will be down. ·
2013 –Five days prior to “Go Live” the last licensing print file will be
submitted to EDD. Printing of licenses and registrations will resume after
BreEZe goes live. The Board will use the new print vendor Metro to print its
licenses and registrations. · Mid-September 2013– On line license
verification will reflect status as of mid-September (date cashiering
transactions cease). On line license verification with updated licensing
information will resume after BreEZe goes live. · 1 day prior to “Go Live” – Staff verifies
data conversion occurred, data is correct, and the data system performs as
expected. Staff will indicate “Go” or “No Go” based on their verification.
Release one testers may arrive at DCA offices as soon as the BreEZe team
notifies the tester the system is ready for verification. Verification must be
completed within the time period specified by the BreEZe team. · BreEZe “Go Live” date - Data system is
operational and business will resume. If a “No Go” status is determined, BreEZe
will not be operational and existing data systems will be restored at a time
specified by the BreEZe team and DCA. On
the “Go Live” date, the online complaint feature will be available immediately.
The online renewal feature will be implemented at a later date. It should be noted that during the transition phase there are a
series of milestones that must be reached in order to “Go Live” with the BreEZe
system. If a milestone is not met, a decision to “go” or “no go” will be made
by the BreEZe team and DCA. What does this mean to you? If you are up for licensing renewal you
might want to submit your application now. BBS will process all renewals prior
to the shut-down of the cashiering office. If you submit during the shut-down
period your application will not be processed until the “Go Live” is
implemented. Renewal notices are sent out 100 days prior to your license
expiration date. Other procedural operations will also be shut-down for a period of
approximately 5 days. LPCC
Grandparenting update: Current California licensed LMFT’s and LMFT’s that submitted
applications to be grandfathered in – 2,196 of which 70% have been processed
(this means the applications have been determined to either be eligible for
licensing or have sent letters of deficiencies. Non-California licensed
applications – 1,236 all have been processed. There have been 458 LPCC licenses
granted so far. CEU
Provider processing: For the past 18 months, the Board has undergone an extensive committee
process to revise its regulations related to continuing education (CE). The
resulting proposed regulations remove the Board’s authority to directly approve
and license CE providers. Instead, the Board will recognize “approval agencies”
that have already established stringent requirements for CE providers. The
Board will also recognize a limited number of entities as CE providers,
allowing these named entities to offer CE courses directly to Board licensees
without approval from an approval agency. The Board approved a 6 month “Phase In” to allow current CEU providers
to apply to the new approval agencies during their renewal period once the
regulation is approved and the 6 month period has lapsed. No renewals will be
honored after January 1 2015. An example: I am a current CEU provider approved
by the BBS. The legislation gets approved July 2014. My 2 year renewal begins
November 2014. I have until my current CEU provider registration expires to
apply to one of the new CEU approval agencies (which CAMFT will be one of
them). DSM V Update: The DSM V diagnostic criteria will be implemented into the LMFT, LCSW,
and LPCC tests beginning July 2014. Please note the State of California and the
Counties in California have not adopted the DSM V as of yet. Legislature
Updates: I have listed only the Bills that have been signed into law by the
Governor as to minimize confusion. SB 282 (Yee):
Confidential Medical Information: Required Authorization to Disclose This bill would extend a provision in law,
currently in place for physicians and surgeons, to marriage and family
therapists. The provision requires that a patient’s demand for settlement or
offer to compromise, be accompanied by authorization to disclose medical information
to the insuring or defending organization. At its May 23, 2013 meeting, the Board adopted a “support if
amended” position on this bill, and requested that the Board’s other license types
be included. Status: This bill has been signed into law by the Governor. (Chapter 58,
Statutes of 2013) Darlene Davis, LMFT
Executive Director HOPE; Healthy
Outcomes for Personal Enrichment
MFT Stipend Coordinator for Greater
Instructor of University of Phoenix
SVC-CAMFT Board Statement regarding State CAMFT Bylaws Dear SVC-CAMFT Chapter Members,
As many of you may be aware, great concern has arisen about the newly passed State Bylaws. Many emails and discussions have been circulating amongst CAMFT members throughout the state and some members have chosen to take particular action.
In an effort to inform you about the developments, I am forwarding you the details as they stand now, including attached letters from two other CAMFT members.
The SVC-CAMFT Board of Directors and I encourage you to review and investigate this information and make your own decision on how to respond.
General Issues & Concerns
As this linked letter from Richard Leslie states, the new Bylaws create major changes to CAMFT with respect to:
- the purposes of the organization
- the nomination and election process of state board members
- the elimination of most standing committees
- the addition of other licensed professions (psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, professional counselors) as eligible to vote as clinical members and to be elected to the board of directors (potentially affecting the control of the organization by non-LMFTs).
There is also concern about how the proposed change in Bylaws occurred. Some feel the process was rushed and misleading with no prior communication about the proposal in The Therapist magazine, email blasts, or the CAMFT website. Some have taken this as deceit, concealment, bias, and even fraud by the state Board of Directors.
Letters Linked Below
Richard Leslie, JD, Of Counsel (attorney) to CAMFT has released two letters. One was written to Sandra Wolf, CAMFT President (at that time) and the CAMFT Board, dated 5/28/13, prior to the vote being counted. Richard Leslie's Letter to CAMFT Board 5.28.2013
The other was written to Jill Epstein, CAMFT Executive Director, on 5/6/13, a few days after he received the bylaws booklet. He has not received a written response to either. Richard Leslie Letter to Jill Epstein 5.6.2013
H. Dan Smith, former 2x President of the CAMFT Board of Directors has written an important letter detailing the history of the board and calling the bylaws vote "an ill-conceived venture that may have far-reaching consequences for the association." H. Dan Smith Letter to CAMFT 7.5.2013
A concerned group of CAMFT members have started an online petition on the Wiki page Save CAMFT to call for a "special meeting" as outlined in the new bylaws.
The purpose of the special meeting will be to recall the State Board. The petition needs 1550 signatures (1000 Licensed, 550 Pre-licensed) to pass. The purpose of this special meeting will be to remove the members of the Board of Directors, without cause. Signing the petition will not result in the removal the board members. It only means you are in favor of calling a special meeting where the membership will vote on removing the board members.
You can read more about this effort, join the Wiki group, and read/sign the petition at the wiki-site: Save CAMFT
All these issues continue to be discussed and updated regularly at Save CAMFT
The SVC-CAMFT Board of Directors is not endorsing a particular stance at this time, but the Board will consider how these changes affect the Chapter and decide the best course for the Chapter.
In the meantime, as stated at the beginning of this letter, we encourage you to review and investigate this information and respond to it in whatever way feels best for you. We will keep you informed.
We want you to know what you think and we want your voices to be heard.
We have have created two new ways to open discussion on important topics. The first is the new Letters to the Editor section of the newsletter.
I would welcome receiving letters on all sides of the ByLaw Changes Debate.
Requirements: You must be a current SVC-CAMFT member. You cannot be a SVC-CAMFT board member or employee. It must be no more than 250 words. You must send in your full name so I can verify that you are a member. If you wish your name not to be published please indicate. Any letter published without a name will be listed as Anonymous MFT or Anonymous pre-license or Anonymous Associate All letters must be respectful and without inappropriate words or phrases including name calling. Please send your letters to
The second is having a bylaws discussion and networking time following the September training (click here for more information)
SVC-CAMFT Board of Directors
We Want You To Be Able To Attend Our Trainings! Let us know the days and times that work for you.! Complete this Survey!
June Presentation Summary
Topic 1: Expanding Your Private Practice - Hiring and Supervising Interns by Deborah Cohen, LMFT
Deborah Cohen, LMFT gave an informative
presentation on how to expand your private practice by hiring interns. Deborah has supervised
successful Interns in a fee-for-service private practice for the past eight
years. She
discussed the multiple benefits to hiring MFT Interns in your private practice
such as increased income, enjoyment of teaching, the opportunity to
attract more fee-for-service clients, and much more. Although the experience can be very rewarding, she also
recognizes that hiring and supervising interns can be stressful without proper
planning and management. Deborah
reviewed how to prepare your private practice for Interns by setting up
websites, and securing office space.
She reviewed business management, BBS and other legal requirements, and the
interviewing process. MFT Interns
in her practice also spoke about how seamless the process was for them and how
much they enjoy and appreciate the opportunity. The workshop was very informative and inspiring and sparked
the interest of several licensed individuals eager to expand their
practice. Deborah will be offering
a conference call series that provides a step-by-step process for a full-proof
plan to get Intern(s) hired and up and running. She is also offering ongoing support for successful private
practice for supervisors and
interns, including a support network for other private practice
supervisors (for more info click here) . If you would like to
learn more about these exciting opportunities, contact Deborah Cohen, LMFT at
and 916 491-1216. Topic 2: Overview of Affect Centered Therapy (ACT) by John Omaha Ph.D. Dr. John Omaha, an innovator in the field of
emotion regulation, gave an engaging two-hour workshop on Affect Centered
Therapy (ACT) at our June Breakfast meeting. ACT is a psychotherapeutic orientation that addresses the
root cause of much psychopathology: emotion dysregulation and the personality
structures that have emerged to deal with overwhelming, unresolved emotions. Dr. Omaha taught us about the three components of the etiology of psychopathology –
the genetic component, the attachment component, and childhood socioemotional
history, including trauma and adversity. An important part of Affect Centered
Therapy is assisting the clients in creating a safe place to retreat and a
container for every disturbing thing in their lives. He also discussed how to help client create a
"traumafor" a metaphor for the trauma with the objective of
uncovering the childhood relationship that is like the current relationship to
the traumafor. He used the example
of a client with a binge eating disorder.
The client uses food to manage her anger. Her relationship to food is
similar to her relationship with her mother. Through processing, she was able to uncover and work through
a scene at the age of 5 when her mother chose her career over caring for
her. This information is used to
apply ACT interventions and other therapeutic modalities to resolving deficit,
adversity and trauma. Omaha has researched
and applied ACT to treatment of OCD, eating disorders, addictions and
alcoholism, Crohn’s Disease, sexual compulsivity disorders, mood disorders, and
personality disorders. It was a
compeling workshop that left the audience eager for more training on the
subject. SVC-CAMFT is considering bringing Dr. Omaha back to conduct
comprehensive 2-day workshops in Sacramento. To learn more visit Submitted by Tracy Thomas
September Meeting InformationPre-license MeetingDate: Friday, September 20, 2013, 8:30 am-9:15 am
Location: University of Phoenix, 2860 Gateway Oaks Drive, Sacramento 95833, in the Training Room 303
Speaker: George F. Peckham MS, CSAT
Topic: George F. Peckham MS, CSAT is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. In his private practice, he works individually with clients and couples, facilitates therapy groups and helps clients recover from the devastating affects of sexual addiction and hypersexual behaviors. George is a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist (CSAT) and was trained by Dr. Patrick Carnes. He uses a variety of evidenced based treatment modalities including Carnes 30 Task Model for Sex Addiction Treatment, Affect Skills Management Training (AMST) and Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT) to help clients achieve solid sobriety from sexual acting out behaviors. He is also currently the Men’s Clinical Director for LifeSTAR Sacramento, a highly successful outpatient program for sex addiction.
Those who attend will receive one additional workshop hour. General Meeting Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 from 9:30 to
Noon - Networking Event 1 - 4pm (see info below General Meeting Info for more details)
Location: University of Phoenix, 2860 Gateway
Oaks Drive, Sacramento 95833 (Map) Speaker: Karen McCall
Topic: Money Disorders: How to Identify and Change Self-Sabotaging Money Behaviors Do some
of your clients struggle with money problems? Or maybe they have a chronic
money disorder – like overspending, under-earning or chronic debt - that’s preying on their mental health
and overall quality of life? In
this workshop, you will learn how to identify and address money disorders and
other self-defeating money behaviors that can cripple your clients’ ability to
progress and heal in therapy. We will cover: - § How to recognize the symptoms of
money disorders.
- § The Money Life Drain and its effect on your clients’ self-esteem,
confidence and ability to heal.
- § The intimate connection between shame
and deprivation.
- § How to work with issues of compulsive
spending, chronic debt, under-earning and managing inherited wealth.
- § The most effective process for
transforming money disorders into lifelong financial health and well-being.
As the founder of the
Financial Recovery Institute, Karen McCall has revolutionized
the financial counseling industry by teaching people how to break free of the
beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that keep them stuck in a self-defeating
relationship with money. She has trained hundreds of health care professionals and
entrepreneurs in how to build a lucrative and rewarding career by helping
people transform their relationship with money. To find out more about Karen,
her book Financial Recovery: Developing a Healthy Relationship with Money or
the Financial Recovery Counselor Training, please visit her website at: We encourage early registration as space is
Click here to register.
Cost: Pre-register: $15 stu/interns, $20 SVC-CAMFT
memb, $30 non-memb., +$5 "at-door" registration. Inclu. Cont brkfst.
& 2 CEUs. No cc's at door. Reserv req'd by September 17th -Laura (916) 350-1577, or reg,pay, directions at Reservations required: You can register and pre-pay online
at, or contact Laura Frederick at (916)
350-1577 or email
to register and pay at
the door. Please help us contain the cost of presentations by making
reservations in a timely manner (by Tuesday before the meeting). This is much
Networking Event *NEW - NETWORKING OPPORTUNITYWant a little more time to network with members and guests after the breakfast meeting? Do you have a time conflict that prevents you from attending the breakfast meeting, but have an open schedule for the afternoon? Join us in the afternoon for an SVC-CAMFT networking event. The breakfast meeting featuring Karen McCall will end at Noon. You have some time to go out and grab lunch and head back to University of Phoenix to enjoy an engaging discussion with your colleagues from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in Rm #301.
This month, Eva Tak, LMFT (SVC-CAMFT Past-President) will be moderating a discussion regarding CAMFT By-Laws. We are excited to offer an opportunity for an informative and balanced dialogue exploring the topic from many angles. CAMFT State Board of Directors Members have been invited to attend this event to share their perspective. We hope you will attend and share yours as well. Coffee will be served.
Please refer to SVC-CAMFT Board Bylaws Statement sent out on our email list ( to get up to speed on this important topic.
*Disclaimer: University of
Phoenix is a trade name and registered trademark of the Apollo Group, Inc. Its
use herein by SVC- CAMFT to identify the event location is not intended to
imply affiliation with, sponsorship or endorsement of the event by University
of Phoenix or Apollo Group, Inc.
Upcoming Board Meetings
All members are
invited to attend. October 18, 2013 immediately following the
Training Session.
Gottman Level 2 Training:
INTERVENTION, and CO-MORBIDITIES Date: October 25, 26, and 27, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Location: University of Phoenix, 2860 Gateway
Oaks Drive, Room 301, Sacramento, CA 95833 Special Discounted
Price: $650 Prerequisite: Level 1 $75
Discount for the Level 1 Home Study DVD Training (Reg. $299) Deepen
your understanding of Gottman Method Couples Therapy and expand your strategies
and interventions in your work with couples! In
this workshop, you will:
- Refine your
clinical skills
- Learn to
internalize and integrate the powerful, research-based Gottman Method
Assessment and Intervention techniques.
- Gain insight as
to when to use these methods and when couples therapy is contraindicated.
- Become skilled
in using our Level II Clinical Manual which now includes revised Gottman
Core Assessments, Gottman Supplemental Assessments and more than 50
Gottman Interventions
Participants will be able to:
- Assess a couple’s “Friendship Profile,” “Conflict Profile,” and
“Shared Meanings Profile.”
- Develop interventions that couples can use as antidotes to the “Four
- Help couples to soothe physiological flooding.
- Apply six modes of changing the “Attack/Defend System” in a couple’s
- Assist couples in establishing dialogue about their grid-locked
- Select and implement interventions to help couples deepen their
“Friendship System” with rituals of connection.
- Select and implement interventions to help couples create a shared
system of values and meaning
- Identify and implement five different co-morbidities common to
couples using Gottman Couples Therapy Assessment and Intervention
ADVANCED RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: Limited enrollment, so be sure
to register early. Please register
and prepay online at or contact Laura Frederick
at (916) 350-1577 or email to register and
mail your payment. Registration
and Payment is due by September 15, 2013. Click here to Register for this Event.
Sacramento Valley Chapter CAMFT & AAMFT
On Saturday, September 28,
2013, Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT
will participate in the 4rd Annual Run For Courage 5k and 10k run in Folsom, CA
and we need your support! We want to
make a difference and be a visible resource in the mental health needs of our
community. Run For Courage exists to
raise awareness about the rapidly growing crime of sex trafficking in the
United States. Official estimates place the number of at risk youth
between 100,000 and 300,000 in the U.S. alone. The average age of these
victims is 13--the age of a typical 7th grader. This crime crosses all
economic, social and racial boundaries. In the past three years, Run For
Courage raised over $300,000 to help organizations whose programs restore these
young survivors.
As mental health
professionals, we are involved with Run For Courage because we want to help
make a difference in these survivor's lives, most of who have no voice in
society. They desperately need us. Please help us by supporting
this wonderful mission! To make a donation on our
behalf or join our team, go to: You may click on either “Join a Team” or “Donate”, then search
for the team by name “Sacramento Valley
Chapter CAMFT”. Help us reach our goal for and run or walk on September 28.
You can always come cheer us on at the Folsom Parkway Trails at 8:00 am or
join us in a “virtual run/walk”. There will be numerous vendors,
sponsors, music and others present with food, services, information and
games. Don’t miss it!
Thank you so much for your
support. For more information contact Eva Tak – 916-790-4057 Run For Courage, Inc. is a
nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to combating the crime of sex
trafficking. For more information,
Congratulations and Farewell to Carol Mahr!

Carol has been greeting and feeding you at our monthly
training meetings for the past two years as Hospitality Co-Chair. She will be
leaving this position to serve her 11th military assignment. In
October Carol will join with Magellan Behavioral Health in the Military Family
Life Counseling Program. She will serve this post at Beale Air Force Base for
six months. Carol is a long time SVC-CAMFT member. She joined the Board
of Directors two years ago as Hospitality Co-Chair. We have appreciated her
dedication and commitment greatly, and will miss her energy and organizational
talents. Best wishes Carol in your new endeavor.
We are looking for a new Hospitality Co-Chair Board Member
Be where the action is! Make our chapter the best we can be! Join our board!
The hospitality co-chair is jointly responsible (with the other hospitality co-chair) for the registration for meetings
and if agreed upon trainings. They will coordinate food,
materials, and equipment as needed at registration desk and to support
the needs of the meeting. The hospitality co-chairs are responsible for
collecting and transferring of monies collected at meetings.
Please contact if you are interested.
Special Feature Part 1 of 3
Saving Your Way Out of Debt: 10 Steps Toward Real Financial Freedom By Karen McCall
Debt is often one of the biggest sources of emotional agony for people struggling in their relationship with money. Debt is a burglar that robs us of our quality of life. It is an embezzler that silently steals our security for the future. Perhaps most tragic of all, some people can even feel suicidal because of the hopelessness and shame they feel about debt; so debt, in a very real way, can even be deadly.
To live a financially stable life, the issue is not just about getting out of debt. People get out of debt all the time. Similar to yo-yo dieting where weight is lost then regained, many find that they have accumulated and paid off debt many times, only to find themselves carrying an even heavier debt load. The real challenge is staying out of debt.
Imagine how it would feel to have no worries about debt as part of your life. Imagine having the security of knowing you had savings to protect you. There is a simple, but powerful way to get out, and stay out of debt. It's a strategy I call "Saving Your Way Out of Debt". The following are the simple -- though not always easy -- steps of this process. Right from the beginning, connecting saving money to stabilizing, reducing, and eventually eliminating debt is a cornerstone to building a healthy relationship with money for a lifetime; a way of living that I call Financial Recovery.
Step 1: Avoid Deprivation Mode Most people feel embarrassed about their debt. They feel trapped and hopeless. They feel shame. They think that to get rid of debt they must cut out everything that is fun or pleasurable until the whole amount is paid off. Leaving essential emotional and physical needs unmet sends us into deprivation mode. Deprivation can lead to overspending. Overspending often leads to more debt. Identifying your essential needs and building a spending plan that meets them (even in simple ways that don't involve spending money) is vital to feeling that you can enjoy life throughout the process of eliminating debt. You may need the support of a qualified Financial Recovery counselor to help you to design a spending plan that works for you.
Step 2: Stop the Leaks by Stabilizing Debt The first step to freeing yourself from the debt cycle, is debt stabilization. This is the foundation for eventually living completely debt-free. It's nearly impossible to continue to use credit cards while stabilizing your debt. Stabilizing debt means that you stop adding to it.
Most people skip debt stabilization and want to start right away in reducing or eliminating debt. Starting prematurely with paying down your debt while you’re still either using your credit cards (or in danger of using them if something happens) keeps you stuck in the debt cycle for decades. This is like sitting in a boat with a grapefruit-sized hole in the side and bailing out the gushing water with a thimble. The thought of not using credit cards can feel scary or overwhelming. It may mean that you have to temporarily get very creative at meeting your needs if you can’t resort to doing so with your charge card.
Step 3: Build a Firm Foundation with Periodic Savings One commonly held myth is that we can’t begin saving money until we are free of debt. In fact, saving right from the start -- even while you’re paying down debt -- is the key that will free you from the yo-yo of the debt cycle forever.
It might be your instinct that the next step following stabilizing your debt is to use every available dollar toward paying debt off quickly. Instead, this is the point when we must link debt to savings. Not having savings is a major reason people get into debt. But there's a more important step to take prior to reducing debt. By creating Periodic Savings after you’ve stabilized your debt, you can climb out of the black hole of chronic debting.
It might feel silly to put money in a savings account that earns almost nothing in interest while paying outrageous interest on credit cards. But to pay down debt without also building savings is short-term thinking. The one thing you can be sure of is that “life happens.” Surprise will always crop up. Without any available cash, we must resort to credit cards to pay for these periodic expenses. Then we're back in the leaky boat again.
The first type of savings to build is what I call Periodic Savings. This is money available for use to meet periodic, non-monthly expenses, such as car insurance, taxes, and family vacations -- that's right, the obligations and the fun stuff. Periodic savings is one of the keys to making your entire financial life work over time. Even if you have retirement accounts or equity in your house, without periodic savings your other assets are at risk.
I know this may sound impossible to save if money is already tight. Even on tight plans, saving must be a priority. Without savings, periodic expenses cannot be covered without accruing more debt -- or otherwise “destabilizing” your debt. Then the cycle continues and nothing changes.
One place to find money to fund savings can come from a most ironic source -- your monthly debt payments. If you are paying more than minimums on your credit card bills but saving nothing, then you are setting yourself up for inevitable problems down the road. For a time it might be necessary to reduce your credit card payments to minimums only and put the extra money into periodic savings. For example, if you regularly pay $1,000 in debt payments but your minimum payments add up to $750, consider paying only $750 a month and putting the remaining $250 into your periodic savings account.
Another place to look for money in order to add to your savings is your spending. Are there optional expenses that you can reduce or eliminate in order to add to savings? Some people decide they can do with a less expensive car or that they can enjoy family movie night at home instead of going to the movies or bring lunch from home a couple of times a week instead of eating out as often. What are the areas of spending that you can reduce without going into deprivation mode?
Lastly, another way of getting money in order to fund your savings is to earn more. Perhaps you're not marketing your business as aggressively as you can, or maybe you're not charging enough (or at all) for valuable services you provide. With the motivation of saving money and eliminating debt many people find new motivation and creativity for bringing in more income. If your financial life isn't working, the two simple options are to spend less or earn more.
This strategy of Saving Your Way Out of Debt may seem slow at first. Believe it or not, it is better to make minimum payments for a while. Otherwise, you will likely be frustrated when an unexpected expense arises and you’re forced to pull out that credit card.
Accountants may quibble with the logic of this plan, but remember, we’re dealing with more than math here. We’re creating a way for you to break the debt cycle and create a healthy relationship with money. Making minimum payments for a short while longer in order to move toward reducing and eliminating debt forever will end up paying for itself a thousand times during the course of your future financial life. By creating periodic savings, you can climb out of the deep hole of debting and keep from falling back in.
Karen McCall, Founder Financial Recoverysm Institute Co-Founder 415 742 4292 Read my blog here Visit me on Facebook Connect with me on Linkedin Order Karen's book here:
views expressed in the Special Feature Articles do not
necessarily reflect the Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT or CAMFT.
They should be
understood as the personal opinions of the author. No information in
this articles will be understood as official. Other views and
commentary are welcome and will be published as long as they are
respectful and stick to the topic.
Letters to the Editor  Welcome to the Letters to the editor Section. We want to hear what you want to say about SVC-CAMFT, CAMFT, current events and issues. Please see below guidelines on submitting a letter.
Dear Newsletter Editor, When I received my
masters, I thought that the next step wouldn't be that hard. When I was
put near the very top of the Sacramento County list, I really thought I
had it made. I soon found out that reality was quite different. All of
the supervisors, who interviewed me for open positions, were licensed as
LCSWs. One came right out and told me that as an MFT, I could not
possibly be familiar enough with finding a diagnosis to do the work.
Others, were simply discounting and or rude. I could not get a job until
I applied in Stockton. A MFT there had threatened a lawsuit in order to
get hired, I was told. I immediately joined CAMFT, realizing how much
we needed our own organization. If we lose our organization, as a
Marriage and Family Therapist, we will start losing ground.
Martha Hoff. LMFT |
Letters to the Editor Guidelines
- You must be a current SVC-CAMFT member.
- You cannot be a SVC-CAMFT board member or employee.
- It must be no more than 250 words.
- You must send in your full name so I can verify that you are a member.
- If you wish your name not to be published please indicate.
- Any letter published without a name will be listed as Anonymous MFT or Anonymous pre-license or Anonymous Associate
- All letters must be respectful and without inappropriate words or phrases including name calling.
- Please send your letters to
- If you do not get a response back within 2 days that it has been received please email back.
- If
there is a problem with the letter (language, misspellings, length or
appropriateness) you will receive an email back with the reason for the
rejection and a chance to fix the problem and send it back in.
 Psyched about Books and Movies Welcome to "Psyched about Books and Movies!" Each month we include a book or movie review by one of our readers. Please see below guidelines on submitting a review. Happy reading!Title: Daring Greatly: How the
Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
 Author: Brene Brown, Ph.D. LMSW
Copyright: 2012, Gottham Books, NY, NY
Reviewer: Eva Tak, LMFT
“Potentially life
changing”, I found this to be appropriate for Brown’s book. The feedback I have
received from colleagues, clients and friends have reinforced this belief. Brown
takes the title of her sixth book from Theodore Roosevelt’s 1913 “Arena Speech”.
Where he challenged the principle that those who criticize hold power and that
to fail is failure. Brown has spent her career researching shame; in “Daring
Greatly” she explored the opposite of shame, vulnerability. Brown examines how vulnerability
is significant in how we create attachments. She defines vulnerability not as a
weakness, but as a critical component of being able to bond and love others. Brown explores
vulnerability and shame in all aspects of daily life – relationships, intimacy,
family, parenting, workplace, gender roles, school environment and our view of
self. I have played portions of the book in session for clients, as well as
encouraging them to read it. The material has facilitated
therapeutic work significantly. I found myself giving this book to each
graduate this past spring.
“Daring Greatly” is available on audio download, as well as print and
ebook. There are several Ted Talks featuring Brown, including a YouTube where
the first chapter of “Daring Greatly” is read.
Review Submission Policy All reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes. Your review should include the title, a short synopsis
about why you like or dislike it, and the author’s name & publication date.
You can also include a picture of the book and/or movie. After review, we will
publish your review in our next newsletter. Reviews submitted that are longer
than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your
review in a Microsoft Word document to note how many key strokes (characters
with spaces), how big your review is, and for your own record keeping. You can
then copy and paste it into the online submission form located here ( To
learn more about checking your review for key strokes, spelling grammer and
size click below: ( It is your responsibility to check for spelling and
grammar errors. Reviews must be received by the 20th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter.
You can submit your review by: Visiting
our webpage:
it in: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816
Summer Streams $avings Time Saving Recipe
 Throw
it all in the pot, INCLUDING the uncooked Pasta, and cook! - Bring it
to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. The starch leaches out of the pasta
and makes a rich, warm sauce for the noodles. The other ingredients cook
right along with the pasta Ingredients 12 ounces pasta (I used Linguine) 1 can (15 ounces) diced tomatoes with liquid ( I used zesty red pepper flavor) 1 large sweet onion, cut in julienne strips 4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes 2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves 2 large sprigs basil, chopped 4 1/2 cups vegetable broth (regular broth and NOT low sodium) 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Parmesan cheese for garnish Directions
Place pasta, tomatoes, onion, garlic, basil, in a large stock pot.
Pour in vegetable broth. Sprinkle on top the pepper flakes and oregano.
Drizzle top with oil. Cover pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to
a low simmer and keep covered and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring
every 2 minutes or so. Cook until almost all liquid has evaporated – I
left about an inch of liquid in the bottom of the pot – but you can
reduce as desired . Season to taste with salt and pepper ,
stirring pasta several times to distribute the liquid in the bottom of
the pot. Serve garnished with Parmesan cheese. Money $aving Fun

Advertising and Announcements
Five, one hour teleclasses are planned for: Either the following Saturdays from 4 pm to 5 pm: Sept. 14, Oct. 5, Oct. 19, Nov. 2 and Nov. 9, or, the following Fridays from 5 pm to 6 pm: Sept. 13, Oct. 4, Oct. 18, Nov. 1, and Nov. 8 (Telecourse day of week will depend on which day works best for majority of interested people) Telecourse will provide you with: • Step by step plan for hiring, coaching and retaining skilled Interns • Successful marketing strategies for getting plenty of clients for you and your Interns • Additional individual coaching for 45 minutes for each participant • Recorded sessions for if you have to miss live session • Written information packet to streamline hiring and retain quality Interns Packet includes: Assessing Readiness to Hire Form, Intern Employee Agreement Form, Interview Questions, Expenses Associated with Hiring Interns, Good Supervision Tips, and Successful Marketing Strategies • Group Facebook page to connect with other new Intern Supervisors Cost: $399 (payment plan is offered) Contact: Deborah Cohen, LMFT, ph: 916 491-1216
Our private, 120 bed facility which includes 8 beds for
detox, is home to a clinical team comprised of licensed professionals committed
to providing the highest quality care. The inpatient
program includes separate programs for adults and adolescents. Outpatient programs (Adults) - Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
offers all of the features of inpatient care without the overnight stay. Dual Diagnosis Program (DHP) - Patients are provided the necessary treatment and support
for stabilization of mental health symptoms and co-occurring substance use. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) - The Intensive Outpatient Program is designed for adults
18 years and older who are in need of further symptom stabilization but do not
require the structure of a full PHP program. Chemical Dependency Intensive Outpatient
Program (CDIOP) - The Chemical Dependency Intensive Outpatient Program
provides services to adults with substance abuse issues who are unable to
maintain short-term abstinence without therapeutic support. Free and Confidential Assessment -(916) 288-0300 8001 Bruceville Road, Sacramento, CA 95822
AT Carol Delzer's FAMILY LAW CENTER. We strive to provide a STRESS AND
REPRESENTATION. We also offer LIMITED LEGAL services to individuals who need
assistance with court documents or legal consultation. Our attorneys have
extensive knowledge of Family Law. CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 916-488-5088 http://www.FamilyLawCenter.US
LifeSTAR Sacramento is a successful outpatient treatment program for individuals and couples presenting with compulsive and addictive sexual behaviors. Our next Phase 1 six week recovery workshop begins Friday evening, September 6th. Phase 1 is a six-week educational course designed for people struggling with sexual addiction as well as for their partners. Clients presenting with these sensitive issues are often in acute crisis and need a structured recovery road map to restore hope and stabilize relational trauma. Our out-patient TX program facilitated by CSAT therapists provides clients/couples with an integrative treatment approach. This course provides workbooks and materials to educate participants about the cycle of sexual addiction and how to begin their recovery journey toward sobriety and healthy, balanced living. Workshop begins Friday September 6th, 6:30-9:30. Call Leslie Haws, MFT, CSAT at (916)728-LIFE-5433.
Charming office space downtown Davis; wheelchair accessible, $400, near UCD, quiet, windows, relaxed atmosphere, X permit parking, email for details/pics. For therapist, life coach, health practitioner,
a free mutual support group for kids and teens with obsessive compulsive disorder and their families • meet and share your experiences with other kids and teens that have OCD as well as their families • learn about subjects pertaining to OCD from health professionals with experience in treating this disorder • talk to other kids and teens with OCD and make new friends Meeting is: Second Sunday in September Sept 8th, 2013 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at: Kaiser Permanente Point West Clinic Conference Room #1 1650 Response Rd. Sacramento, CA 95815 For more information, go to or contact Susan Haverty, MFT at (916) 353-0750.
September thru October, 2013, Saturdays, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. New Beginnings Counseling Center 8002 California Avenue Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Facilitator: Bill Burg, LMFT, CCHT Phone Number: (916) 725-4154 Classes are for therapists and/or your clients. There are no costs, no CEU’s, no obligations. Classes begin September 7th. There is no charge for this training, but you must call ahead to reserve your seat. For additional information, check out my website at
Advertising Policy for the Newsletter
All ads and reviews are not to exceed
1000 key strokes. Chapter
members advertise at no cost. Non-members can advertise about employment
opportunities at no cost. Non-members, non employment-related ads follow these
rates: $10 for 200 key strokes $20 for 201-600 key strokes $30 for 601-1000 key strokes Full page and ½ page ads are not
accepted. All ads contain text only; no graphics
will be included. Ads submitted that are longer than 1000
characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your ad in a
Microsoft Word document to note how many characters, how big your ad is, and
for your own record keeping. Please visit our site to find more information on
how to use Microsoft word for editing. You can then copy and paste it on our
online submission form located here ( It is your responsibility to check for
spelling and grammar errors. Ads must be received by the 25th
of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter. Ads are placed in the
order that they are received. You can submit and pay
for your ad by: Visiting
our webpage: Mailing
in payment: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816 Emailing the Newsletter Editor: Thank you
for contributing to the newsletter! |
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