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Join Case Consultation Group

  • Mon, December 06, 2021 3:35 PM
    Message # 12172605

    Consider joining an on-going, intermediate to advanced clinicians, case consultation group, focused on couples therapy.

    There is one opening beginning January 12 from 11:30-1pm the second Wednesday of the month. Cost is $90 per session per clinician. This group meets via Zoom. You are welcome to bring your lunch.

    If you are interested in getting support and wisdom from the members of this group, and from the seasoned couples therapist consultant, Sharon Thompson Wilson, LMFT, this is a wonderfully rich group to join.

    Each member clinician and Sharon will honor your theoretical grounding, while helping you integrate and enhance your work by adding, if you find it fits for you, techniques, interventions and theories from the wonderful and easily integrated modalities in the field today, including EFT, RLT (Terry Real) Gottman, Bader and Pearson, Esther Perel and others.

    The consultation group will of course offer you support and networking, and if you desire, it will help you build your practice with couples, and/or help you with your existing and future couples whenever you feel stuck or challenged to make progress. Remember, the best referral sources are from the best helped clients. And the best feeling as a therapist is when we help our clients progress to where they want to be.

    Being in case consultation will increase your confidence as you feel supported and have "fresh" eyes on your case. There is room in the group to bring individual cases too, those dealing with relationship related problems,to work through stuck places with your clients,and/or to bring any countertransference issues which you find creating doubt in yourself. Sharon's intention is to provide a safe place where you can bring your hardest cases and clinical practice challenges in a supportive, non-judgemental, and collaborative way.

    A little about Sharon..

    Her consultation approach honors and builds on your theoretical orientation and methods.

    Sharon works to help couples balance the dual struggles of autonomy and belonging, attachment and differentiation, all while working live in the room/re-choreographing/ their underlying emotions and reactivity, to help them effectively change their circular interactions/the dance.

    Sharon has specialized in working with couples for 40 years. She sees couples therapy as offering deep personal and interpersonal transformation, for each partner and for the couple.

    Beginning in 2008, Sharon began working and studying with Esther Perel, in both individual and group case consultation and also assisting her in workshops and at conferences. Sharon continues to integrate and learn from Esther and the masters Esther brings to Sessions...the online platform of which Sharon was a Founding Member.

    The work with Esther helped Sharon expand her expertise and confidence in working with couples at the intersection of general couples therapy and sex therapy, particularly with the challenges of sustaining/creating compatible sexual desire in long term relationships, working deeply and successfully with the trauma of infidelity, and working with couples to find the aliveness of the erotic.

    For more information about Sharon please go to her website and links

    To set up a no-cost get acquainted session to learn more about this group, openings in other groups, or to consider private case consultation with Sharon, please email her at or call 530-304-3004.

    Sharon Thompson Wilson, LMFT
    1621 Oak Ave. Ste B
    Davis CA 95616

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