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Openings for Therapists Interested in Enhancing Couples Therapy Skills

  • Tue, November 09, 2021 9:37 AM
    Message # 12113440

    January 2022 openings for therapists interested in enhancing skills, integrating the best of methods, theories and models in the field of couples therapy today, while building networking opportunities and support.

    Meeting on Zoom 8:30-9:45am every other Thursday. Cost is $60 per person per group. Sharon’s consultation approach honors and builds on your theoretical orientation and methods whether EFT, RLT (Terry Real) IFS, Gottman, Bader and Pearson, and more.

    If interested, contact Sharon at or call 530-304-3004.

    Sharon works to help couples balance the dueling struggles of autonomy and belonging, attachment and differentiation, and works in the room changing the circular interactions/the dance where couples get locked into a never ending cycle of pain, avoidance, struggle, distance, and do it again. She has specialized in working with couples for over 35 years and sees couples therapy as offering deep personal and interpersonal transformation for the couple and each partner. Since 2008, Sharon has been studying and in consultation, both individually and in group, with Esther Perel. She expanded her expertise in working with the challenges of sustaining compatible sexual desire in long term relationships, as well as working deeply and successfully with the trauma of infidelity, through her private and group case consultation with Esther Perel. For more information about Sharon please go to her website and links

    To set up a no-cost get acquainted session with Sharon, email her at or call 530-304-3004.

    Last modified: Wed, November 10, 2021 8:39 AM | Anonymous

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