Topic: Working with Non-Binary Identified ClientsPresenter: Finely TerhuneSponsored by: Date: Friday, June 7, 2019Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00PMLocation: Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)Room: American River North
Doors Open at 9:00AMNetworking starts at 9:00 AM
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This program will benefit LMFT, LPCC, LEP and LCSW licensees and pre licensees by gaining the ability to understand and deconstruct sociocultural understandings and expectations of gender and sex, and how these premises/biases may show up in work with non-binary identified individuals. How to observe, identify, and modify our own process and naturalized assumptions around these things.
Working with Non-Binary Identified Clients is designed to introduce a basis of practical, applicable knowledge for direct service providers to be able to competently serve transgender and/or gender non-conforming clients who identify as non-binary. Includes basic practices to increase gender-related competency and safety in your practice and work as a whole, as well as the opportunity to ask more specific questions related to situations or wonderings a clinician has had come up in their own work or life.
1. Understand the importance of names and pronouns, and be able to implement at least two basic strategies in any future work
2. Understand the basics of gender as a spectrum and as separate from sex, and be able to demonstrate this understanding using intentional language
3. Identify at least three common misconceptions about working with non-binary identified individuals
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