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  • October 2016 Newsletter

October 2016
 Newsletter Editor:  Heather Blessing, MA, LMFT 
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 Newsletter Highlights & Important Information

We are now at at Rancho Cordova City Hall - Click Here for Directions
     Special Feature -"The New Normal"

Letter from the Board

October 1, 2016

Dear Member,

The SVC-CAMFT Board has been diligently working to update our bylaws. We needed to bring our local chapter's bylaws into compliance with our state's CAMFT bylaws and chapter agreement. Also, now the membership benefits can not be changed without a 2/3s vote by membership.  Please take the time to read about the proposed bylaw changes
The vote will open at 12:00am on Monday, October 17, 2016.

Both the Nominating Committee and the Budget Committee have met and are nearing the completion of their tasks.  The board has upgraded our internal processes for smoother operations.

We are still looking for licensed therapists to be on the board. We can only have 3 interns on the board and all of those positions have been filled. Please consider donating your time and wisdom.  Email me if you are interested (

We are excited to be having Kate Messina, PhD, LCSW speaking on Wisdom Path Parenting
at our October Workshop.  We also have Florence Soares-Dabalos, LMFT presenting on Insurance and Billing to our 3000 Club.

The 45th Anniversary Celebration plans are fantastic! The event will be held at the Sierra Health Foundation over looking the Sacramento River. It will be on November 18, at 2:00 pm. It will be catered by Ettores Bakery. This event is free and all are welcomed.

Patricia Saint James


  This issue:
· Letter From the Board
· Legal Beagle

·  Presentation Summary
· Upcoming Meeting
· Upcoming Board Meetings

· Special Feature
· Letters to the Editor

· Psyched about Books and Movies

· Paid MFT Internships
· Advertising and Announcements

· Advertising Policy for the Newsletter


Patricia St. James, LMFT

David Clark, MFT Intern

Past President:
Ann Leber, LMFT

Alexis Clemons, MFT Intern

Billy Schult, MFT Trainee


Brian Braid, MFT Intern

Program Co-Chairs:

Nate Hooper, LMFT
Susan Martin, MFT Trainee

Hospitality Co-Chairs:

Karla Romero, MFT Trainee
Dianna Welsh, MFT Trainee

3000 Club Co-Chairs:
Angelina Moxey, MFT Intern

Volunteer Co-Chairs:
Amita Khare, MFT Intern

Membership Co-Chairs:

Courtney Hedges, MFT Intern
Melinda Keeler, MFT Intern

Sponsorship Co-Chairs:
Sara Coffill, MFT Intern

Legislative Chair:

Marketing Communications Chair:
Karen Ulep, Intern


Legal Beagle

dectective.pngWelcome to the section of the SVC-CAMFT newsletter, Legal Beagle written by Darlene Davis, LMFT. The chapter thought it would be helpful to keep you updated on new laws, legislative pursuits or actions, as well as ongoing legaland ethical dilemmas we all face in our career as Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Interns, and Trainees. Please feel free to ask questions that you have and I will do my best to investigate and post your answer in the newsletter. Please note that articles are based on information from CAMFT and/or the BBS and have been researched to the best of my ability. This is not meant to be legal advice.  Please contact CAMFT or Board of Behavioral Sciences for any legal matters you need assistance for. 


Our Legal Beagle is a quarterly column for our newsletter with the latest information.  In the meantime if you are an intern and need the new Law and Ethics training - go to


Darlene Davis, LMFT Executive Director HOPE; Healthy Outcomes for Personal Enrichment MFT Stipend Coordinator for Greater Sacramento Instructor of University of Phoenix

if you are an intern and need the new Law and Ethics training - go to


  September Presentation Summary

"The Daring Way" as it relates to Eating Disorders (2 CEs)
Presenter: Jennifer Lombardi, LMFT
Sponsored by: Western Seminary Sacramento Campus

This is such a tough topic.  As someone who has struggled with eating disorders my whole life, I worried that this would be too intense for me or trigger me, but Jennifer Lombardi was amazing.  She talked passionately with personal experience and at the same time managed to incorporate humor.

From shooting down myths of the "Freshman 15" to discussing "numbing out", Jennifer Lombardi covered many aspects of eating disorders and why they are so hard to beat.  I not only learned a lot about myself and my shame and vulnerability but also how my values can lead me out of the the darkness eating disorders bring. 

As many of us therapists know, eating disorders are everywhere and we have an entire industry feeding on those who struggle with eating disorders and a nation obsessed with weight.  Jennifer really shined a light on how we can help our clients and ourselves start the healing process from eating disorders.

Summary by Heather Blessing, LMFT


October Meeting Information

FREE 3000 Club Pre-License Training

Space is limited so please register here

Date:  Friday, October 28, 2016
Time:8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Insurance and Billing
Presenter:  Florence Soares-Dabalos, LMFT
  Rancho Cordova City Hall
                   2729 Prospect Park Drive,
                   Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

Donuts and Coffee will be served.

Monthly Training

Networking starts at 9:30 AM and Training starts at 10:00 AM

Topic: Wisdom Path Parenting
Kate Messina, PhD, LCSW
Friday, October 28, 2016
10:00 AM to 12:00PM
Rancho Cordova City Hall,
                   2729 Prospect Park Drive,
                   Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

Networking starts at 9:30 AM

This program will benefit MFT and LCSW licensees and pre licensees.
Includes: Breakfast and meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Sacramento Valley Chapter of California Marriage and Family Therapist CAMFT CEPA CE Provider #62279 CE Credit will be awarded on site and to participants at completion of the course. 
No CEs will be awarded to persons arriving late or leaving early. Partial CE credit will not be awarded.

Workshop Information:

The WisdomPath Way Reparative Parenting Approach integrates neurodevelopmental wisdom with a contemporary perspective of child development that moves beyond conventional parenting techniques and behavior management practices that often fail to produce positive change for children who have experienced early adverse experiences. This introduction to the WisdomPath Way Approach teaches professionals the core foundational principles of the WisdomPath Way Approach that enable them to help parents and children alike to redefine the family context as the essential, relational LifeSpace in which healing from early childhood trauma must happen. By establishing the family context as the arena for parent–child coaching, the child’s recovery and maturation is then understood as each child’s LifeRight to re-learn the answers to three questions each brain is designed to ask: “What do we do? How do we do it? Why do we do it?” 
This workshop will provide an introductory overview of the 4 foundational cornerstones of the WisdomPath Way Reparative Parenting Approach; the LifeSpace, Brain-Based Wisdom, Developmental Stages, and Wisdom-Based Strategies. This introduction to the WisdomPath Way Approach teaches professionals how to assist parents to move away from misunderstanding the intentions of children’s behaviors; appreciating that many behaviors perceived as mis-behavior, serve very specific brain-based learning that yields mastery and discovery, first of the body, then the emotions, then the world of objects, and ultimately the world of relationships.
9:30am Registration Starts
9:30am - 9:45am Networking
9:45am - 10:00am Announcements
10:00am - 11:00am Introduction to the Foundation Principles of the WisdomPath Way Reparative Parenting Approach
11:00am - 11:10am - Break
11:10am - noon - Introduction to the Foundation Principles of the WisdomPath Way Reparative Parenting Approach continued
noon - Workshop Ends

Learning Objectives:

* Demonstrate beginning knowledge of critical neurodevelopmental stages of development and function and be able to teach them to parents and children.

* Identify the role of the parent in the LifeSpace, and how parents play a critical role in their children’s development via co-construction and co-regulation.

* Demonstrate beginning knowledge of temperament, protest styles, and the energy of the “will.”

*  Demonstrate beginning knowledge of how helping parents to establish effective rules, limits, and boundaries are key ingredients to assisting children to internalize the skills of self-regulation and attachment to the larger human family.

Presenter Bio:

Dr. Kate Messina is the owner of the WisdomPath Way Institute in Sacramento, California, and has over 30 years of experience working with high-conflict foster/adoptive families. Dr. Messina developed the WisdomPath Way Reparative Parenting Approach as an alternative to conventional parenting models and child-focused individual psychotherapy to respond to the overwhelming need expressed by parents for effective interventions. Dr. Messina believes that reparative experiences regarding emotion regulation, self-soothing, self-control, and self-discipline must be coached within the LifeSpace of parent-child interactions and that in order to be effective, parents need to understand their role in co-construction and co-regulation of Inside and Outside skills, the structure and function of the three-story brain, the impact of trauma on top-down control, and strategies and techniques of restorative repair.

Dr. Messina has been the Keynote Speaker on neurodevelopmental trauma for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence (CEDV) Conferences (2014 and 2015) hosted by Sacramento County Child Protective Services, A Community for Peace, and Citrus Heights Police Department and has been the invited lecturer at several other professional conferences in Northern California regarding the impact of trauma on the developing brains of children exposed to relational violence. Dr. Messina teaches the WPW Reparative Approach to foster agencies and Foster Care Kinship Education (FKCE) groups throughout California and has also taught the WPW Approach to California court-appointed advocates (CASA). She most recently taught CASA youth directly about the impact of adverse childhood experiences on their developing brains. A training video on the Reparative Parenting Approach is also available through Just In Time, Quality Parenting Initiative. Dr. Messina has been an adjunct professor at California State University, Sacramento in the Social Work department since 2012. She is currently working toward publication of the WisdomPath Way Reparative Parenting Approach for parents and professionals. 

Register and pay online or register online and pay with cash/check at the door.

Early registration ends Tuesday, October 25th

Early registration rates*:

2016 Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT or a local chapter of CAMFT: $20

2016 Pre-Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT or a local chapter of CAMFT: $15

Non-Member: $30

*Add $5 for late or "at-door" registration

For information on joining SVC-CAMFT or renewing your membership for 2016 please email:

Refund Policy
Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to an event may be subject to an administrative fee to cover costs of the initial transaction.  No shows, failure to attend, and cancellations 7 or fewer days prior to an event for any reason are non-refundable, including registrations received fewer than 7 days prior to an event. No credit, refunds, or price adjustments will be given for typographical advertisement errors. A $25 fee in addition to the registration fee will be charged for insufficient funds, denied credit cards, or charge-backs. By registering for the event you agree to the terms of the Refund Policy.

Grievance Policy is located here.

To request accommodations for a disability for any of our events contact our Administrative Assistant at


2016 Upcoming Events Information

 Topic Speaker Location         
 October 28

 "Wisdom Path Parenting" Kate Messina, PhD, LCSWRancho Cordova City Hall (map)
November 18

 45 Anniversary Celebration
 Sierra Health Foundation - 1321 Garden Hwy, Sacramento, CA 95833 (map)

2017 Workshop Schedule *As of September 23, 2016

Friday, January 13           General Meeting / Speaker TBD

Friday, February 3            Jon Daily, LCSW, CADC II - Addiction

Friday, March 3                Lisa Larson, LMFT - EMDR

Friday, April 7                  Dr. Daniel Emina - Brain Imaging, The AmenClinic

Friday, May 5                   To be scheduled

Friday, June 2                  David Nylund, PhD, LCSW - LGBTQ+

Friday, September 1         To be scheduled

Friday, October 6              Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S - Sexual Addiction –

                                       FULL DAY – 6 CEs

Friday, November 3           To be scheduled         


Law & Ethics 2-Day Workshop: July 2017

All workshops held at  Rancho Cordova City Hall
                                2729 Prospect Park Drive,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

Upcoming Board Meetings

Board Meetings are FREE for anyone to attend BUT you MUST register so we have an accurate headcount.
To Register click on the board meeting(s) you wish to attend.

Sunday, December 4, 2016 - 11:00am to 1:00pm - Register Here


Special Feature

The New Normal

By Heather Blessing, LMFT

"The New Normal" is a term I have used often and so have many others that suffer with a debilitating illness.  Many of us were highly energetic go-getters, who managed careers, projects and families with a seemingly endless supply of energy.  Then odd symptoms and finally a diagnosis.  Our lives our flipped upside down.  From non-stop caregivers we have become the ones that need to be taken care of sometimes.  We suddenly have to say "no" and put down boundaries, causing some stress in our relationships.

If we were perfectionists, we struggle even more because we need to learn to delegate and relinquish much of our control.  We keep believing that we can be how we once were, only to be frustrated that we cannot seem to make mind over matter actually work.  Some of us now live by the Spoon Theory and have our good days and bad days.  This becomes "The New Normal" for us. 

"The New Normal" can also relate to being a special needs parent or anything that requires a complete upheaval in your life.  But today, I just wanted to write about chronic or debilitating illness. 

I am not going to have those "Golden Years" that so many talked about.  So I must do some of those things I had wanted to do later in life now.  Sometimes it can be a good thing.  Some days I can see my dx as a blessing, other days I am just so frustrated at what it has taken from me.  Most of the time I think of the positives and how I learned the value of life before my time ran out.  I am a therapist now, doing what I love, because of the dx.  I have learned to enjoy the trip and not focus only on the destination. 

One of the frustrating things for many of us is you cannot see our dx or our symptoms.  We look normal, and we still have our same personality, but are now limited in what we can take on, going places and doing things that we used to do.  Many perceive it as depression, and often we do have depression but we are not actually withdrawing from the depression but because we are not able to keep up our "Old Normal" anymore.

As therapists we often see clients learning their "New Normal" and we see their resistance and think it is all theirs.  I can tell you it is not just their own resistance.  Family members complain you are not able to help them as much, they say if you just got out more things would be better.  Friends get frustrated when you are hanging out with them and suddenly abruptly have to leave because your body or energy level just dropped so quickly.  Others get upset that you cannot create plans easily and often cancel at the last minute.  Employers get frustrated and think you are just making excuses.  Everyone around you is telling you that you can be the way you once were if you just....  

"The New Normal" meant I had to leave many friends that didn't understand behind.  I had to limit my time with some family members.  I had to be honest with my husband and tell him when I really need help and let him see me at my weakest moments.  I had to change the scheduling of my clients so I could handle most days.  I had to make hard choices of what to do and when and know sometimes it just wouldn't work out.  It also meant I had to be willing to accept help from those who do understand.

Being on both sides of "The New Normal" as a client and a therapist, I felt it was important to just write about this.  Honestly what got me thinking this needed to be written is I have been working with the nominating committee, trying to find licensed therapists to fill board positions and many of the ones I talked to are finding their "New Normal".  So to all of you wonderful therapists out there finding your "New Normal" please know, I understood your boundaries and your need to say, sorry I can't.  I honor you for knowing yourself, as I have had to learn that too.  And to those therapists working with clients finding their "New Normal", be patient and understanding.  It is hard to figure out, especially if it keeps changing.  Be the person they can talk to, that they know are there for them and that they can test out boundaries and other issues with you without feeling judged.  For feeling judged is the thing most of us struggle with and makes us push ourselves to unsafe levels.

Overall my dx was a blessing, and honestly so is my "New Normal", but there are days I still grieve for the way I used to be.




The views expressed in the Special Feature Articles do not necessarily reflect the Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT or CAMFT. They should be understood as the personal opinions of the author. No information in this article will be understood as official.  Other views and commentary are welcome and will be published as long as they are respectful and stick to the topic.

Letters to the Editor
Welcome to the Letters to the editor Section.  We want to hear what you want to say about SVC-CAMFT, CAMFT, current events and issues.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a letter.

 We Have No Letters to the Editor!  Let your voice be heard!  Write a letter to the editor!

 Letters to the Editor Guidelines
  • You must be a current SVC-CAMFT member.
  • You cannot be a SVC-CAMFT board member or employee.
  • It must be no more than 250 words.
  • You must send in your full name so I can verify that you are a member.
  • If you wish your name not to be published please indicate.
  • Any letter published without a name will be listed as Anonymous MFT or Anonymous pre-license or Anonymous Associate
  • All letters must be respectful and without inappropriate words or phrases including name calling.
  • Please send your letters to
  • If you do not get a response back within 2 days that it has been received please email back.
  • If there is a problem with the letter (language, misspellings, length or appropriateness) you will receive an email back with the reason for the rejection and a chance to fix the problem and send it back in. 


Psyched about Books and Movies

Welcome to "Psyched about Books and Movies!"  Each month we include a book or movie review by one of our readers.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a review. 

Title: Mindfulness Skills for Kids & Teens: A Workbook for Clinicians & Clients with 154 Tools, Techniques, Activities & Worksheets
Debra Burdick, LCSWR, BCN
2014 PESI Publishing & Media; Workbook edition
Reviewer: Heather Blessing, LMFT

This is an easy to read and use workbook.  My teen clients are willing to read it and are able to use the tools and techniques and are comfortable doing the activities.  I especially like that there are mp3s you can download to help practice mindfulness.  It really works well with teens struggling with anxiety and teen issues.


Book/Movie Review Submission Policy

All reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes.
Your review should include the title, a short synopsis about why you like or dislike it, and the author’s name & publication date.You can also include a picture of the book and/or movie. After review, we will publish your review in our next newsletter. Reviews submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your review in a Microsoft Word document to note how many key strokes (characters with spaces), how big your review is, and for your own record keeping. You can then copy and paste it into the online submission form located here ( To learn more about checking your review for key strokes, spelling grammar and size click below: (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.  Reviews must be received by the 20th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter.

You can submit your review by: Visiting our webpage:

Mailing it in: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816



Clinician Mental Health (Temp) - Sacramento- Sacramento Children’s Home

Therapist (Yolo County\Childrens'\LGBTQ\) TBS - Turning Point Community Programs

Children Mental Health Positions - Panel Interviews Start Soon - Uplift Family Services

Social Worker/Therapist - Paradise Oaks Youth Services

Mental Health Therapist - Martins' Achievement Place, Inc.

Advertising and Announcements


HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Sacramento is small private mental health clinic that specializes in Intensive Outpatient Programs. We treat our patients from a holistic perspective. Our goal is to remove obstacles from healing and help our patients create a life of authenticity and self-management. Our programs are covered by insurance for children, teens and adults with the following conditions: Trauma, including Medical Trauma and Chronic Pain, Mood and Anxiety Problems, Food Dysregulations, Autism Spectrum and Behavior Problems. Patients generally continue to see their primary therapist while attending IOP treatment.  Please visit our website at


Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (PSY 7480)
Attorney at Law (SBN 119231)
Free consultation.
Telephone: 916.641.7300


Advertising Policy for the Newsletter

All ads and reviews are not to exceed1000 key strokes. Chapter members advertise at no cost. Non-members can advertise about employment opportunities at no cost. Non-members, non employment-related ads follow these rates:


$10 for 200 key strokes

$20 for 201-600 key strokes

$30 for 601-1000 key strokes

Full page and ½ page ads are not accepted.


All ads contain text only; no graphics will be included.

Ads submitted that are longer than 1000characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your ad in a Microsoft Word document to note how many characters, how big your ad is, and for your own record keeping. Please visit our site to find more information on how to use Microsoft word for editing. You can then copy and paste it on our online submission form located here (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.


Ads must be received by the 25thof the month in order to appear in the next newsletter. Ads are placed in theorder that they are received.


You can submit and pay for your ad by:


Visiting our webpage:

Mailing in payment: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816

Emailing the Newsletter Editor:

Thank you for contributing to the newsletter!

Copyright © 2016 {Organization_Name}. All rights reserved.
Contact email: {Organization_Contact_Email}

Contact us mail: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: (916) 597-0811
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