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  • February 2017

February 2017
 Newsletter Editor:  Heather Blessing, MA, LMFT 
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 Newsletter Highlights & Important Information

We are now at at Rancho Cordova City Hall - Click Here for Directions
     Special Feature - Fear and our Clients by Heather Blessing, LMFT

We want to thank our amazing volunteers for the month of January: 
Clare Brown
Christi Paulson
Kristine Suchan

Letter from the Board

February 1, 2017

Hello {Contact_First_Name} {Contact_Last_Name}

We are off to a great start.  For January we had three newsworthy items to report.
The budget for 2017 was approved at our annual meeting, and the neurofeedback workshop that followed after was both well attended (50 participants) and engaging.  We give special thanks to the presenters who were graceful and professional.  Last weekend the SVC-CAMFT board met complete training that covered the bylaws (and inclusive parliamentary procedures) voted in by membership last November.  The board also began laying the foundation for a strategic plan for the next two years.

In the immediate future, February is expected to be a busy month.  You have an excellent opportunity to catch up with colleagues at our workshop with John Daily, "Addiction: The Layers of Complexities and Treatment"  (Shameless plug: events with him have sold out in the past, only 1 seat left--of 75--at the time I write this letter, but there will be a wait list, so don’t be shy about registering, we will work to make space if needed).  The event is on Friday, February 3, 2017 at Rancho Cordova City Hall and offers 6 CE, registration starts at 9:00am.

The 3000 Club will be meeting at 8:30am, before Jon Daily's workshop.  The meeting will host a panel of newly licensed clinicians and interns who will share and answer questions that helped them navigate their pre-license adventure.  This is a great place and space to remind yourself of the breadth of support our members provide each other.  Lifelong friendships begin at events like these.  And, speaking from experience, events such as these are can be a useful resource for learning about other training sites and employment opportunities.

I look forward to sharing with you all how the events have gone and providing you with continued updates via the newsletter.  If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.  SVC is here to serve you and your professional development needs.


David Clark


  This issue:
· Letter From the Board
· Legal Beagle

· Presentation Summary
· Upcoming Event
· Upcoming Board Meetings

· Special Feature
· Letters to the Editor

· Psyched about Books and Movies

· Paid MFT Internships
· Advertising and Announcements

· Advertising Policy for the Newsletter


David Clark, MFT Intern

Talal Alsaleem, LMFT

Past President:
Patricia Saint James, LMFT

Adriana Joyner, LMFT

Billy Schult, MFT Intern

Program Co-Chairs:

Nate Hooper, LMFT
Susan Martin, MFT Trainee

3000 Club Chair:
Suzy Lee, LMFT

Volunteer Chair:
Angie Moxey, LMFT

Membership Chair:

Jessica Wolff, LMFT

Sponsorship Co-Chairs:


Legal Beagle

dectective.pngWelcome to the section of the SVC-CAMFT newsletter, Legal Beagle written by Darlene Davis, LMFT. The chapter thought it would be helpful to keep you updated on new laws, legislative pursuits or actions, as well as ongoing legaland ethical dilemmas we all face in our career as Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Interns, and Trainees. Please feel free to ask questions that you have and I will do my best to investigate and post your answer in the newsletter. Please note that articles are based on information from CAMFT and/or the BBS and have been researched to the best of my ability. This is not meant to be legal advice.  Please contact CAMFT or Board of Behavioral Sciences for any legal matters you need assistance for. 


This is a quarterly column.  You can always send questions to with any questions you want answered in this column.



Darlene Davis, LMFT Executive Director HOPE; Healthy Outcomes for Personal Enrichment MFT Stipend Coordinator for Greater Sacramento Instructor of University of Phoenix

if you are an intern and need the new Law and Ethics training - go to


  January Presentation Summary

Neurofeedback Training
The Attach Place Center for Strengthening Relationships and Neurofeedback Solutions
Ce Eshelman, LMFT 2 CEUS

During the training led by Ce Eshelman, LMFT, we learned about how a certain type of Neurofeedback, called BrainPaint, helps clients increase self-regulation. The instrument she described was designed by Bill Scott, an LCSW in Southern California. Eshelman explained how once a client is able to calm their neurobiology, they are better able to utilize treatment options. Eshelman's practice in Sacramento focuses on attachment problems that arise from adoption, but also treats autism, anxiety, depression, and other impairments. Eshelman described how before and during the treatment, assessments are taken to allow the brain to adjust to a calmer state. This type of Neurofeedback is designed to relax the parasympathetic nervous system and decrease emotional dysregulation. Eshelman mainly works with families with adoptive children. She described this type of treatment as "helping the family get the glue they need to allow attachment to work." Eshelman said this type of Neurofeedback is also used in addiction and recovery programs. Eshelman explained that "it works for about 80% of the clients I see." Her presentation was engaging, informative, and helpful for clinicians looking for additional ways to help or prepare clients for treatment.

Summary by Helene E. Goble, MFT

February Events


Topic: **Free** Pre-Licensed 3000 Club Meeting - The 3000 Hour Road
Presenter: Panel of Interns and Newly Licensed Clinicians

Date: Friday, February 3. 2017
Time: 8:30am to 9:30am
Location:  Rancho Cordova City Hall,
                2729 Prospect Park Drive,
                Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)
Free Coffee and Donuts
Space is limited so please register here

Workshop Information: 

A panel of interns and newly licensed clinicians will answer your questions and discuss what helped them get to where they are.  From logging your hours and supervision to turning in paperwork and studying for exams.

** Please be courteous and send us an email at if you are unable to attend after you have registered. **


Topic:  Addiction: The Layers of Complexities and Treatment
Presenter:  Jon Daily
Date:  Friday, February 3, 2017
Time: 9:30 AM to 4:30PM
Location: Rancho Cordova City Hall,
2729 Prospect Park Drive,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (map)

Networking starts at 9:00 AM

This program will benefit LMFT, LPCC, LEP and LCSW licensees and pre-licensees as clinicians will receive best evidence based practice techniques relative to addiction treatment.

Includes: Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks and Beverages and meets the qualifications for 6 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Sacramento Valley Chapter of California Marriage and Family Therapist CAMFT CEPA CE Provider #62279 CE Credit will be awarded on site and to participants at completion of the course. 
No CEs will be awarded to persons arriving late or leaving early. Partial CE credit will not be awarded.

Workshop Information:

Jon Daily returns to SVC-CAMFT to give an in-depth 6 hour workshop.  This presentation will draw upon peer reviewed clinically sound techniques and will discuss current trends of drug use as well as the layers of complexity which drives the illness.  He includes attachment and trauma issues and how it relates to addiction.  

8:45 am Registration Starts
9:00am - 9:30am Networking & Announcements
9:30am - 11:00am - Workshop
11:00am - 11:10am - Break
11:10am - 12:30pm - workshop
12:30pm - 1:30pm - Lunch on your own
1:30pm - 3:00pm - Workshop
3:00pm - 3:10pm - Break
3:10pm - 4:30pm - Workshop
4:30 - Workshop ends

Learning Objectives:

1.  Participants will be able to understand at least 3 imperatives of current trends.
2.  Participants will be able to analyze and assess appropriate interventions.
3.  Participants will be able to prepare, discuss and empower the client and systems to decrease denial and increase motivation for change

Presenter Bio:
Jon Daily, LCSW, CADC II is the founder and clinical director for Recovery Happens Counseling Services and specializes in the outpatient treatment of adolescents, young adults and their families with addictive disorders and dual diagnosis issues. A recipient of numerous awards for his work, Jon is also the co-author of (2006) “How to Help Your Child Become Drug Free,” and (2012) “Adolescent and Young Adult Addiction: The Pathological Relationship to Intoxication and the Interpersonal Neurobiology Underpinnings.” Jon has been an instructor to nurses, medical residents and has taught post-doctoral students for UC Davis. Currently he instructs graduate students for the University of San Francisco and is the developer of a chemical dependency track within a Sacramento based psychiatric hospital. Jon has trained thousands of clinicians working with youth, young adults and adults. He has been a resource in the media over 90 times in his career from local media to the national Today Show. In addition to teaching, practicing, writing and providing forensic testimony, Jon provides program development, training's and conference presentations. More information at 916-276-0626.

Register and pay online or register online and pay at the door with check or cash.

Registration Rates

2017 Licensed, Associate or Affiliate Member of SVC-CAMFT: $80

2017 Pre-Licensed Member of SVC-CAMFT : $60

Non-Member: $100

For information on joining SVC-CAMFT or renewing your membership for 2017 please email:

Refund Policy
Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to an event may be subject to an administrative fee to cover costs of the initial transaction.  No shows, failure to attend, and cancellations 7 or fewer days prior to an event for any reason are non-refundable, including registrations received fewer than 7 days prior to an event. No credit, refunds, or price adjustments will be given for typographical advertisement errors. A $25 fee in addition to the registration fee will be charged for insufficient funds, denied credit cards, or charge-backs. By registering for the event you agree to the terms of the Refund Policy.

Grievance Policy is located here.

To request accommodations for a disability for any of our events contact our Administrative Assistant at

2017 Upcoming Workshops

 Date CEs Topic Speaker Location         
 February 3
 6 Addiction
 Jon Daily
 Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
 March 3
 Lisa Larson
 Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
 April 7
 2 Brain Imaging, The Amen Clinic
 Dr. Daniel Emina
 Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
 May 5
 2 Mindful Self-Compasion Sean Cook PsyD
 Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
 June 2
 2 LGBTQ+ David Nylund
 Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
 July - Date TBA
 12 2 Day Law and Ethics
 TBA Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
 September 1
 2 Psychodrama Kathy Campbell
 Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
 October 6
 6 Sex Addiction
 Robert Weiss
 Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)
November 3
 2 What Every Therapist Should Know About Insurance - Even If You Want Nothing To Do With It
 Barbara Griswold
Rancho Cordova City Hall (map)

Upcoming Board Meetings

Board Meetings are FREE for anyone to attend BUT you MUST register so we have an accurate headcount.
To Register click on the board meeting(s) you wish to attend.

Our next board meeting and retreat will be Saturday, March 25, 2017 where we will plan the rest of the year


Special Feature

Fear and our Clients

By Heather Blessing, LMFT 

As a therapist I have been struggling the past couple of weeks.  A lot of my clients are minorities.  Whether people of color or non-Christian religions or LGBTQ - they all are coming to me with anxiety and fear.  I have always understood that I can never understand what it is to walk out of the house and automatically be persecuted, so I have been very careful about dismissing fears.  I understand there are truly problems such as "Driving While Black" or the children that are considered to have discipline problems when they have had a traumatic history.  I work with their very real fears and try to help them live the best they can without their fears running their lives.

Suddenly, I have clients that have very real in the moment valid fears that are no longer quantifiable or reliable.  Previously I could help a teenager of color who has started driving, how to give them the best possibility of not having police hostility.  I could help a family know the words and what paperwork they need so their child gets the help they need in school.  I have a client that went out of the country (Mexico) for a destination wedding who although they have a green card cannot get back into the country as of this writing.  She cannot get back to her children, her job or anything else.  All I could do was to help her get a hold of an attorney. 

I work with a lot of transgender clients, and they are scared of being beaten up for being in the wrong restroom. Children are experiencing bullying for being Muslim or an immigrant or someone of color and it seems to be getting worse.  I no longer have statistics or suggestions on how to make fear a minimal part of their lives.  I cannot say as I have in the past "Don't worry, while presidents have some power, they are only one part of the system so we usually don't see that many harsh changes."

What I do know I can do is to understand their fears and not minimize them.  Look up phone numbers and be involved enough to be able to get people the information they may need if there is a problem.  I try to work with the adults to teach their children to be cautious while still making sure we do not overwhelm the children and they still are able to laugh and play.

I remind all of my clients to still laugh and love and try to take breaks from the news.  I remind them to live in the moment while still doing what they can to protect themselves and lower their fear.  For many getting involved at any level in what they are afraid of allows them to feel some sense of control and helps them connect to others. 

What I try to impart to them is not to pull away from those they love.  Do not hide in fear, for the more isolated we are the more fearful we can become.  These are turbulent times that are scary for many of us.  For me this means sitting with my client and not trying to minimize their fear but instead understand it and work within that fear to help them find some balance in their lives despite their very real fears.




The views expressed in the Special Feature Articles do not necessarily reflect the Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT or CAMFT. They should be understood as the personal opinions of the author. No information in this article will be understood as official.  Other views and commentary are welcome and will be published as long as they are respectful and stick to the topic.

Letters to the Editor
Welcome to the Letters to the editor Section.  We want to hear what you want to say about SVC-CAMFT, CAMFT, current events and issues.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a letter.

 We Have No Letters to the Editor!  Let your voice be heard!  Write a letter to the editor!

 Letters to the Editor Guidelines
  • You must be a current SVC-CAMFT member.
  • You cannot be a SVC-CAMFT board member or employee.
  • It must be no more than 250 words.
  • You must send in your full name so I can verify that you are a member.
  • If you wish your name not to be published please indicate.
  • Any letter published without a name will be listed as Anonymous MFT or Anonymous pre-license or Anonymous Associate
  • All letters must be respectful and without inappropriate words or phrases including name calling.
  • Please send your letters to
  • If you do not get a response back within 2 days that it has been received please email back.
  • If there is a problem with the letter (language, misspellings, length or appropriateness) you will receive an email back with the reason for the rejection and a chance to fix the problem and send it back in. 


Psyched about Books and Movies

Welcome to "Psyched about Books and Movies!"  Each month we include a book or movie review by one of our readers.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a review. 

Title: Life Animated
Director: Roger Williams
Release Date:
October 11, 2016

Reviewer: Heather Blessing, LMFT

Life Animated is a film about a boy that at the age of 3 stops talking and is diagnosed with Autism.  The family tries desperately to make contact with their son.  The father notices how into Disney films the son is and he grabs a Disney puppet and is able to talk to his son and get his son to respond to him through the puppet.  We follow the boy growing up and even get to see some home movies.  We see how he has grown to a man now and how he has turned his love of Disney Movies as a way to connect to others.  This is a documentary that gave me new ways to try to work with my autistic clients young and old.


Book/Movie Review Submission Policy

All reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes.
Your review should include the title, a short synopsis about why you like or dislike it, and the author’s name & publication date.You can also include a picture of the book and/or movie. After review, we will publish your review in our next newsletter. Reviews submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your review in a Microsoft Word document to note how many key strokes (characters with spaces), how big your review is, and for your own record keeping. You can then copy and paste it into the online submission form located here ( To learn more about checking your review for key strokes, spelling grammar and size click below: (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.  Reviews must be received by the 20th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter.

You can submit your review by: Visiting our webpage:

Mailing it in: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816


Paid Internships
Listing Provided by:

Prelicensed is a free resource for MFT registered interns, trainees, and students in California. We offer numerous services that are designed to help you prepare and prevail over the course of your journey to licensure

Addiction Therapist - Sacramento, CA - Valley Recovery Center of California

MFT/PCC Intern - Carmichael, CA - White House Counseling Center - SJUSD

MFTI - Sacramento, CA - It Takes THE VILLAGE

Advertising and Announcements


HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Sacramento is small private mental health clinic that specializes in Intensive Outpatient Programs. We treat our patients from a holistic perspective. Our goal is to remove obstacles from healing and help our patients create a life of authenticity and self-management. Our programs are covered by insurance for children, teens and adults with the following conditions: Trauma, including Medical Trauma and Chronic Pain, Mood and Anxiety Problems, Food Dysregulations, Autism Spectrum and Behavior Problems. Patients generally continue to see their primary therapist while attending IOP treatment.  Please visit our website at


Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (PSY 7480)
Attorney at Law (SBN 119231)
Free consultation.
Telephone: 916.641.7300


Advertising Policy for the Newsletter

All ads and reviews are not to exceed1000 key strokes. Chapter members advertise at no cost. Non-members can advertise about employment opportunities at no cost. Non-members, non employment-related ads follow these rates:


$10 for 200 key strokes

$20 for 201-600 key strokes

$30 for 601-1000 key strokes

Full page and ½ page ads are not accepted.


All ads contain text only; no graphics will be included.

Ads submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your ad in a Microsoft Word document to note how many characters, how big your ad is, and for your own record keeping. Please visit our site to find more information on how to use Microsoft word for editing. You can then copy and paste it on our online submission form located here (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.


Ads must be received by the 25thof the month in order to appear in the next newsletter. Ads are placed in theorder that they are received.


You can submit and pay for your ad by:


Visiting our webpage:

Mailing in payment: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816

Emailing the Newsletter Editor:

Thank you for contributing to the newsletter!

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Contact email: {Organization_Contact_Email}

Contact us mail: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: (916) 597-0811
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