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April 2014 SVC-CAMFT Newsletter.

  April 2014  


 Sacramento Valley Chapter

California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists

Newsletter Editor:  Heather Blessing, MFT Registered Intern

Letter from the Board

Dear Members,

Thank you so much for your support by renewing your membership and attending our morning meetings. Our Program Chairs Kari and Marti are working hard to present timely and relevant materials. Heather is making our website friendlier and Carol is visiting schools to present CAMFT and provide support to interns and trainees.  It was a pleasure to host AAMFT at our meeting and we will be working with them in the future.

We are really pleased to announce that our “Prelicensed Meeting” is being recreated as the 3000 Club! This is one of the fabulous ideas we brought back from the Leadership Committee. Opening up new times and dates for the Interns and Trainees to meet will expand their program to include presentations from intern sites, identifying supervision, and improving interview and resume skills. Several of our own members are volunteering to share their experiences and provide guidance to our future therapists.  This will also include networking and communicating with each other to provide needed support.

We are now working on establishing a Mentoring Program. Though we would all like to give back to our community, only a few Licensed Therapists have the time or energy to provide guidance to an intern. There are only so many hours in the day. So we are asking for about 3 hours. We are proposing a “Night Out”. This will be an opportunity to meet with several interns. We would like to have a meeting three times a year. We will be asking experienced Therapists to be on a panel and take questions and provide answers for the interns and trainees. If you would like to share your knowledge as an LMFT and how you achieved your license, we would grateful for your input.  Remember that when teaching you always learn something. These evenings will be beneficial for both parties.

We are also working on a consulting group for practicing therapists and a support group for newly licensed therapists that will provide presenters on how to get on insurance panels, marketing, and finances, etc.

This is a very exciting year for CAMFT. There are new opportunities coming. Provided by our perseverance and lobbying with the State and Federal Legislature, these could really positively affect all MFTs. Remember the election closes on April 10, 2014.  If you have not received your official ballot, please contact the CAMFT office at (858) 292-2638 to have another mailed to you.

Again we are all quite humble by the amount of support our Chapter has been given while implementing the new programs. Thank you all so much.

Jill P. Lawler, LMFT #51392

  This issue:

· Letter From the Board
· Legal Beagle

· CAMFT Ballots
· Volunteers for Board Needed
· Membership Directory
· Membership Directory Ad Application
· March Presentation Summary
Upcoming Meeting Information
· NAMI Walk
· Upcoming Board Meetings
· Special Feature
· Letters to the Editor
· Psyched about Books and Movies
· Advertising and Announcements
· Advertising Policy for the Newsletter


Jill P. Lawler, LMFT
Mike McDonald, LMFT
Past President:

Chad Thompson, MFT
Secretary: Maria Wiese, LMFT


Beverly Baldwin, MFT Intern

Terri Johnson, MFT Intern Program Co-Chairs:
"Marti" McClellan-Morehouse, LMFT
Kari Deitrich, Trainee
Hospitality Co-Chairs:

Kimberlie Flowers, MFT
Pre-License Chair:

Betty Knight, LMFT
Sterling Evison, LMFT
Volunteer Chair:

Membership Co-Chairs:
Carol Nelson, LMFT

Newsletter Editor:

Heather Blessing, MFT Intern


Legal Beagle

dectective.pngWelcome to the section of the SVC-CAMFT newsletter, Legal Beagle written by Darlene Davis, LMFT. The chapter thought it would be helpful to keep you updated on new laws, legislative pursuits or actions, as well as ongoing legal and ethical dilemmas we all face in our career as Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Interns, and Trainees. Please feel free to ask questions that you have and I will do my best to investigate and post your answer in the newsletter. Please note that articles are based on information from CAMFT and/or the BBS and have been researched to the best of my ability. This is not meant to be legal advice.  Please contact CAMFT or Board of Behavioral Sciences for any legal matters you need assistance for.

The below information was taken directly from Barbara Griswold. She can be contacted at:


Changes in CPT Codes and DSM not enough? There is now an updated version of the CMS-1500 claim form that healthcare providers use to bill most insurance plans.


When do we start using the new form? Plans are accepting both old and new forms now, but as of April 1, 2014, they will accept claims only on the new 2/12 version of the CMS 1500 claim form, regardless of the dates of service you are billing for.  I suggest you start using the new forms immediately, as a claim mailed before April 1st might not reach them until after the 1st.


Why the change? The new 2/12 version of the CMS-1500 form (often incorrectly still called the HCFA-1500) accommodates upcoming diagnosis code changes (more on this below).


What's gone: Several questions have been deleted, including client's marital and employment status (Box 8), Insured's employer or school  (Box 11b), and Other Insured's Date of Birth, Sex, and Employer (Box 9b and 9c). Even the "Balance Due" box (Box 30) is gone.


What's new:  While you might find it hard to detect any changes, in the upper left hand corner the "1500" in a circle has been replaced with a black square symbol, known as a QR code. And 12 diagnoses can now be reported on the form instead of four. Since the DSM-5 ditched multi-axial diagnosis, this allows health professionals to record more codes to better describe the client's presenting issues. You may notice the diagnosis code spaces now use letters A through L instead of numbers. These letters will have to be used again in Box 24E (Diagnosis Pointer) to list which diagnoses were focused on in the session. Also in Box 21, you'll see "ICD Ind." to identify whether your diagnosis is from the current International Classification of Diseases Manual, the ICD-9, or the ICD-10, coming October 1, 2014. Between the dashed vertical lines, write a "9" if you are using the ICD-9, and a "0" if using the ICD-10. The ICD Indicator will be important as we transition to the ICD-10.  Confused? read on.....


What's this ICD you are referring to? Think of the ICD as a book that simply lists all the medical and psychiatric diagnosis codes that exist. Then think of the DSM as a chapter of this book, listing all the psychiatric codes from that ICD list, with each described in detail as to symptoms, prevalence, differential diagnoses, etc. So when you use a DSM code, you are using an ICD code. However, a new set of ICD codes is coming out in October 2014. The good news is that the DSM-5 lists both the ICD-9 and ICD-10 code for each diagnosis. Use ICD-9 codes (listed in both the DSM-4 and 5) until October 1, and after that switch over to the ICD-10 codes.  And don't confuse ICD diagnosis codes with the CPT procedure codes that changed in 2013.


What you need to do: Purchase some of the new forms so you have them on hand when needed - just click here or visit the order page of my website at  . Even if you file electronically, it's a good idea to have a stack of paper claims in case you need to file a corrected claim, for appeals, or if you need to fax a claim to expedite processing when there is a problem with electronic submission. Then make sure your claims software, clearinghouse, or billing service is ready for the transition. Also, purchase a DSM-5, and get trained on the coming ICD-10 diagnosis changes.


To get more details about filling out the form, and to answer all your insurance questions, preorder my soon-to-be-released, newly-updated insurance manual at


Also, check out the NUCC's guide at


At my website you can also sign up for my free e-newsletter, view my workshop schedule, or read helpful articles about all kinds of insurance topics- don't miss important updates like this! 


As always, feel free to contact me with your insurance questions, or to schedule a consultation


Darlene Davis, LMFT
Executive Director HOPE; Healthy Outcomes for Personal Enrichment
MFT Stipend Coordinator for Greater Sacramento
Instructor of University of Phoenix


The State CAMFT Ballots Are Here!

March 3rd the State CAMFT ballots were mailed for a truly historic CAMFT election. Volunteers with the movement have nominated five candidates to the ballot via petition giving CAMFT its first election with a choice for every position on the ballot.

In December 5% of the ballots arrived too late to be counted. There were a number that were illegible, and some in which people wrote notes on the ballot to CAMFT which invalidated 60+ ballots.


Make sure your vote is counted! Tips:



·      Fill in and mail your ballot ASAP

o   Sign with your name as CAMFT has it

o   Print your name legibly

·      Vote for five candidates (not more).

·      Don’t write comments on ballot – it will be disqualified!



·      Use only “Official Ballot Envelope” - which must be signed

·      Use your CAMFT membership number, rather than your license number

o   Your CAMFT number is located on the back cover of “The Therapist” magazine, directly above your name/address

·      Ballots being mailed first week of March 2014

o   If you don’t have your ballot by March 14th call CAMFT and ask for another.

o   In the Dec. Bylaws vote 5% of the ballots arrived too late to be counted. Don’t let this happen to you - mail early!


Extra Assurance

·      Do not wait to mail back the ballot – carefully complete ASAP!

IF you have not received your ballot please contact CAMFT at (858) 292-2638 for a replacement ballot.



Mike McDonald who most of you know as a Hospitality Co-Chair has stepped up to become our President Elect.
This leaves a Hospitality Co-Chair vacant.
We also need another Membership Co-Chair, another Member at Large and a Volunteer Chair.

Also I, Heather Blessing, will step down at the end of the year as Newsletter Editor and am looking for a replacement.  If you are interested in learning about the newsletter feel free to contact me at

Please contact Jill about the other positions



We are starting to work on our SVC-CAMFT Printed Directory that will be widely distributed to community Psychiatrists, Physicians, Attorneys, Public Health Agencies, Government Agencies, Community Services Agencies, and many other professionals.  All current members are listed for FREE!  We need YOU to verify that your information is up to date.

To Verify your information go to the link
Then Login using your email address and password you used when you registered or renewed your membership.

Review your profile, if you need to make changes click on the Edit profile Button and make any changes you need
Then click save on the bottom left hand side of the screen (at the end of your profile).

Thank you!






Your membership in Sacramento Valley Chapter of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (SVC-CAMFT) offers you a free listing in our web Membership Directory and printed directory. To enhance your presence in the 2014-2015 printed Membership Directory and to all other Mental Health related professionals interested, we offer advertisement at an affordable fee schedule. The directory is widely distributed to community Psychiatrists, Physicians, Attorneys, Public Health Agencies, Government Agencies, Community Service Agencies, and many other professionals.


              The directory will be published in May 2014, and distributed in June, therefore, all advertising must be submitted by April 30, 2014. *

              Please submit your camera-ready Black & White ad in MS WORD, JPEG, TIF or PDF format.

              Please be aware that if your ad is not PDF format, the layout, font and graphics may be changed.

              Email the file as an attachment to, or mail the digital file on CD to SVC-CAMFT P O Box 163385 Sacramento, Ca. 95816.

              Include a fax or email address where the proof can be sent for approval before ad goes to print.

              Send a check for advertising fee made out to: SVC-CAMFT. Enclose with CD, or if emailing file,
send check separately to SCV-CAMFT P O Box 163385 Sacramento, Ca. 95816 or pay by PayPal\Credit card here

All of the following must be submitted with the advertisement:


Name: _______________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________

City: ______________________ State: _____ Zip: ___________

Email: _______________________________________________


Ad Size


Member Cost

Non-Member Cost

Full Page

7 ½ H x 4 ¼ W



Two-Thirds Page

5 ½ H x4 ¼ W



Half Page

3 ¾ H x 4 ¼ W



 Third Page

2¾  H x 4¼ W
 $75.00 $95.00


* Please note, the publication of any advertisement by SVC-CAMFT is not an endorsement of, or responsible for any claims made in advertisement or promotion of services. SVC-CAMFT reserves the right to edit or refuse any material submitted for advertisement.

Please contact Carol Nelson, LMFT, SVC-CAMFT Membership Chair at  (707) 418-5686 or email at for any questions or further information.


  March Presentation Summary

Eliminating Self-Sabotage, Presented by Ruben J Guzman, MPH, author of Evolving Health

(2 CEUs)

Coach Ruben suggested that in order to truly be successful in life, career, and relationships it is necessary to identify the things that create self-doubt. He also suggested that the power of positive thinking and verbalizing are significant sources of achieving more energy and success. 

Coach Ruben challenged those of us in the audience to shift our mindset from surviving to thriving.  During the self-evaluation portion of the presentation, we explored some of the primary sabotaging thoughts and behaviors that we do.  For example, some of the subconscious conversations carried on include “its not fair,” “I don’t trust you,” and “I am in danger.”  These subconscious dialogues collide with the reward of immediate gratification, the idea of being right/wrong, and avoidance and often result in not taking responsibility for our choices and actions. After exploring our own inner dialogue and our individual mindset, we paired off and were provided the opportunity to discuss and share our self-sabotaging habits. We maintained our pairings throughout the presentation. It was reported that as time passed, the interaction became more intimate and more meaningful.    

Coach Ruben provided concrete tools to support the efforts of the practitioners who were present in the room. It felt as if each of us present would easily be able to help clients recognize their own self-sabotaging habits, and if you have his book Evolving Health your clients will navigate the two choices available to eliminate self-sabotage, which are the pain of regret, and the joy from self-discipline. If you ordered the book, Coach Ruben has agreed to return on Friday, April 4, 2015 to bring you an autographed edition of Evolving Health.   

Summary written by Kari Dietrich, MFT Intern


Upcoming Meeting Information

(Remember we are at Sierra Vista Now)
April 25, 2014
(Week Later due to Good Friday)

April Pre-Licensed Monthly Meeting
Date: Friday, April 25, 2014
Time: 8:30AM-9:20AM
Sierra Vista Hospital - 8001 Bruceville Road, Sacramento, CA 95823 (map)
Topic: Jill Lawler, LMFT, will be discussing career-development topics such as: essential components of a quality resume, interviewing techniques, the importance of networking, and insights on working in a hospital setting.  A question and answer session will follow.

Jill Lawler, LMFT teaches several courses at Kaplan College including Psychology, Growth and Development, Ethics and Career Development. Jill also works at Sierra Vista Hospital as a Clinician and has a private practice in midtown Sacramento.
Please join us to gain valuable perspectives to enhance your MFT career!

Note: Registration and membership are not required for the pre-license meeting

April Monthly Training
Date: Friday, April 25, 2014
Time: 9:30AM-noon
Sierra Vista Hospital - 8001 Bruceville Road, Sacramento, CA 95823 (map)
Network Speed Exchange: Resources and Relationship Development
Nichoel Menicucci Volunteer and Community Relation Coordinator WEAVE inc
                      Duane Wright ASW, CADAC-II TLCS Respite Program Manager
                      Mike Alvarez Mike Alvarez Consulting
Each Speaker will Speak for 30 minutes with the final 30-minutes will be "Speed Exchange".

Name of Presenter(s) Mike Alvarez

Title/License: MAC - President / Chief Technology officer / Auburn Business Lic #101022

Address P.O. Box 532

City: Meadow Vista State: CA Zip: 95722

Phone: 916-412-6466 Email:

Networking is Done - What's Next?

Mike Alvarez, owner of Mike Alvarez Consulting, helps small to medium sized businesses strategically leverage their use of today’s technology. His expertise allows busy people to focus on running their business, “DOING MORE WITH LESS.” In addition, Mike is an expert on Network Marketing. He will demonstrate a proven process to maximize networking and marketing time and teach us how to "get the most from networking” by walking us through the path from scanning the business card, to leveraging social media.

As a one stop shop for Branding, HD Web Video, Video E-mail Marketing, Mobile & Standard Word Press Websites (that you control), Search Engine Marketing & Optimization and Medical Billing Solutions, Mike Alvarez Consulting is a valuable resource that we want to share with our members.

Name of Presenter(s)            Duane S. Wright

Title/License:                        ASW/CADAC II                                                                                   

Address                 2277 Fair Oaks Blvd #440                                                                                   

City:            Sacramento            State:            CA            Zip:            95628-6411                       

Phone:            (916) 247-7345                        Email:  

TLCS Mental Health Crisis Respite Center  (CRC) is a new MHSA Program that is available to anyone living in Sacramento County who is at least 18 years old and struggling with an “acute mental health crisis.”  TLCS is defining an acute mental health crisis as feeling “stressed out and overwhelmed.”  “Guests” using the CRC can stay for up to 23 hours.  While at the CRC, all the guests basic needs for food, shelter, safety and a nurturing environment will be met.  All guests using the CRC will also receive free counseling and support with identifying local resources. If a caller is unable to arrange transporting to the CRC, the CRC staff can arrange for a taxi to bring the guest to the center.    If interested in using the CRC, please call (916) RESPITE to do a very brief phone screening before being invited in. 

Name of Presenter: Nichole Menicucci with WEAVE Inc.

Title/License: Volunteer and Community Relations Coordinator

Phone: 916-448-2321 and 916-319-4907 (direct)           


WEAVE provides an array of services to women, men and children in the greater Sacramento region who have experienced domestic violence or have been sexually assaulted. WEAVE also works as part of the Rescue & Restore Coalition to support victims of human trafficking. 

WEAVE works with leaders and supporters throughout the region to build a stronger community and healthy families as it works towards its mission to build a community that does not tolerate domestic violence and sexual assault and provides survivors with the support they need to be safe and thrive.

Name of Presenter: Pamela Alba Title/License: Senior Director of Clinical Services/ MFT

Address: 718 4th Street                                                                                               

City:            San Rafael            State:            CA            Zip:            94015                       

Phone:(415)721-2000            Email:                                               

Contact: Marina Rodina or Joe Trevin from Bayside Marin Recovery Center 917-204-0030

Contact: Clare Brown Clinical Outreach Coordinator Azure Acres Recovery Center 707-483-9583 & 707-823-3385


Pamela is going to present Bayside Marin as a facility that treats substance abuse but also focuses on co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and Bi-polar.  She’ll talk about all levels of care; detox, residential, intensive outpatient and continuing case management.  Pamela is also going to discuss Azure Acres and their strong 12-step model.

From our location in Marin County, overlooking the beautiful San Francisco Bay, Bayside Marin offers an intimate treatment setting and an unparalleled level of care. We offer a blend of evidence-based and holistic therapies, and specialize in treating addiction and contributing, underlying issues, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, bipolar, attention deficit and borderline personality disorders. With a team of experts among the most highly skilled recovery professionals in the Bay Area, we will provide you with the best possible care available. Trusted and recommended by doctors and therapists, our compassionate and caring treatment programs provide you with the newest advances in addiction treatment in a truly restorative setting.

We encourage early registration as space is limited.

To Register Click here.

Cost: Pre-register: $15 stu/interns, $20 SVC-CAMFT memb, $30 non-memb., +$5 "at-door" registration. Inclu. Cont brkfst. & 2 CEUs. No cc's at door. Reserv req'd by April 22 -Laura (916) 350-1577, or reg,pay, directions at

Reservations required: You can register and pre-pay online at, or contact Laura Frederick at (916) 350-1577 or email to register and pay at the door. Please help us contain the cost of presentations by making reservations in a timely manner (by Tuesday before the meeting). This is much appreciated.

May 16, 2014

May Pre-Licensed Monthly Meeting
Date: Friday, May 16, 2014
Time: 8:30AM-9:20AM
Sierra Vista Hospital - 8001 Bruceville Road, Sacramento, CA 95823 (map)
Topic: Darlene Davis covers topics that are important for pre-license MFTs

Note: Registration and membership are not required for the pre-license meeting

May Monthly Training
Date: Friday, May 16, 2014
Time: 9:30AM-noon
Sierra Vista Hospital - 8001 Bruceville Road, Sacramento, CA 95823 (map)
Sand Tray
Yvonne Sinclair
It will be an experiential training, and sand will be involved!
Check the website for the latest information

We encourage early registration as space is limited.

To Register Click here.

Cost: Pre-register: $15 stu/interns, $20 SVC-CAMFT memb, $30 non-memb., +$5 "at-door" registration. Inclu. Cont brkfst. & 2 CEUs. No cc's at door. Reserv req'd by May 13 -Laura (916) 350-1577, or reg,pay, directions at

Reservations required: You can register and pre-pay online at, or contact Laura Frederick at (916) 350-1577 or email to register and pay at the door. Please help us contain the cost of presentations by making reservations in a timely manner (by Tuesday before the meeting). This is much appreciated.

Law and Ethics (6 CEUs) will be in Saturday, July 19, 2014 - More information to come!

Upcoming Board Meetings
Board Meetings are FREE for anyone to attend BUT we do ask you register so we have an accurate headcount.
To Register click on the board meeting(s) you wish to attend.

Friday, June 20, 2014- Sierra Vista 12:15pm-2:00pm

Friday, September 19, 2014 - Sierra Vista 12:15pm-2:00pm (Election Focused)

Friday, November 14, 2014 - Sierra Vista 12:15pm-2:00pm (Election & Budget Focused)




Picture from 2013 Nami Walk

Dear Members and Friends of SVC-CAMFT,
Once again, SVC-CAMFT will participate in the annual NAMI Walk here in Sacramento which will take place on Saturday, May 3rd, in William Land Park.  Last year we doubled our donations and participation from the previous year, and this year we hope to continue to grow in numbers and donations.   NAMI (The National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a wonderful organization that provides free counseling, education, and mental health resources to families and individuals in communities nation-wide.   The money our team raises will go directly to the Sacramento NAMI chapter.   This year we are also inviting members of the Sacramento division of AAMFT to join us.

Our team name is "Sacramento Marriage and Family Therapists"

Please visit the following website to join our team, or to donate on behalf of our team:

Contact  Catherine Zanzi at 916-214-1479 for more information.

Thank you!  Hope to see many of you walking with us on May 3rd.


Special Feature

Improve your search engine ranking with New Content!

by Mike Alvarez

In the good old days (last year - a week ago) the choices to get ranking on Google were paying for AdWords ads or spending marketing dollars on so called SEO services or experts or both.  For many small businesses the return on investment wasn't worth it.

With Google's current emphasis on "new content" and specifically "new video content", small businesses with small marketing budgets can now compete on the "New Content" playing field.

Have you noticed how YouTube videos appear in search engine results more and more every day?  Do you also notice how videos will rank higher than text posts about the same subject?  Ever since Google purchased YouTube back in 2006, the trend toward YouTube videos appearing in Google search results has been a constant.

Consider this, if you post to your website's integrated blog once a week with forwarding to the social media sites where you have a presence, your new content is multiplied with links back to your website where you control content, presentation and priority.  With a small one time invest in equipment and a regular, small, time investment you can noticeably increase your search engine ranking on any budget.

Knowing that text is passed between Google and YouTube in the process leading to search results provides several opportunities to increase search engine ranking.  Starting with video file names and continuing to descriptions, titles, tags and most recently video captioning.  A little "new video" can go a long way to improving your search engine ranking and your internet visibility.

Mike Alvarez, is President / CTO of Mike Alvarez Consulting, a team of specialists providing branding graphic design, WordPress Mobile and Standard Website development, Search Engine Marketing, HD Web Video and Video E-Mail marketing services.  For additional information call (916) 412-6466 or visit them on the web at

The views expressed in the Special Feature Articles do not necessarily reflect the Sacramento Valley Chapter of CAMFT or CAMFT. They should be understood as the personal opinions of the author. No information in this articles will be understood as official.  Other views and commentary are welcome and will be published as long as they are respectful and stick to the topic.


Letters to the Editor
Welcome to the Letters to the editor Section.  We want to hear what you want to say about SVC-CAMFT, CAMFT, current events and issues.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a letter.

 We Have No Letters to the Editor!  Let your voice be heard!  Write a letter to the editor!

 Letters to the Editor Guidelines
  • You must be a current SVC-CAMFT member.
  • You cannot be a SVC-CAMFT board member or employee.
  • It must be no more than 250 words.
  • You must send in your full name so I can verify that you are a member.
  • If you wish your name not to be published please indicate.
  • Any letter published without a name will be listed as Anonymous MFT or Anonymous pre-license or Anonymous Associate
  • All letters must be respectful and without inappropriate words or phrases including name calling.
  • Please send your letters to
  • If you do not get a response back within 2 days that it has been received please email back.
  • If there is a problem with the letter (language, misspellings, length or appropriateness) you will receive an email back with the reason for the rejection and a chance to fix the problem and send it back in. 


Psyched about Books and Movies
Welcome to "Psyched about Books and Movies!"  Each month we include a book or movie review by one of our readers.  Please see below guidelines on submitting a review.  Happy reading!

Title:  The Last Lecture

Author\Lecturer : Randy Pausch

Released: 2007

Reviewer:  Heather Cassandra Blessing, MFT Intern

  If you knew you were going to die and you could give one last lecture - what would it be about?  Randy Pausch was given 3-6 months of good health and one month later he was giving this lecture.  He discusses a little bit about understanding his death, but most importantly he discusses how he became successful in his life.  Click here to view the video - it is inspiring.  For more information visit the website at  Also the book is well worth it.  I go back when I am struggling and read parts of it and it helps me reorganize and prioritize my life better.


Book/Movie Review Submission Policy

All reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes.
Your review should include the title, a short synopsis about why you like or dislike it, and the author’s name & publication date. You can also include a picture of the book and/or movie. After review, we will publish your review in our next newsletter. Reviews submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your review in a Microsoft Word document to note how many key strokes (characters with spaces), how big your review is, and for your own record keeping. You can then copy and paste it into the online submission form located here ( To learn more about checking your review for key strokes, spelling grammer and size click below: (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.  Reviews must be received by the 20th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter. You can submit your review by: Visiting our webpage:

Mailing it in: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816


Advertising and Announcements


We are looking for licensed therapists in private practice in the Sacramento Valley area to whom we can refer our graduates and their families.

Paradigm Malibu is a Residential Treatment Program for Adolescents struggling with Chemical Dependency, Mental Health and Behavioral Health Issues. We specialize in the provision of treatment for youth with co-occurring disorders. At Paradigm, we only treat 6 clients at a time and maintain the highest staff to client ratio in the nation. We provide comprehensive psychiatric assessments, psychological evaluations, family therapy, parenting classes, academic services, and an extensive array of expressive arts and experiential therapies, as well as free aftercare services.

If you are interested in a working relationship with us, please visit our web site at or call 855·780·TEEN. 


SHARPER FUTURE, a California forensic mental health agency with multiple locations, is seeking clinicians to fill a number of openings in a new Sacramento clinic.
Considerable experience in providing assessment and treatment services to sex offenders is highly valued in applicants but is not essential.  Experience that involves other types of forensic work, treatment of anger management issues, DV or substance dependent individuals or similar programming will be considered.
Clinicians who choose to engage in this work find it both challenging and highly rewarding, since the goal is to change lives in order to prevent future sexual victimization.  Services are provided within clearly structured agency protocols.
To learn more and to apply, visit and follow the instructions under “Job Opportunities.”


Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (PSY 7480)
Attorney at Law (SBN 119231)
Free consultation.
Telephone: 916.641.7300


In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Florence Soares-Dabalos, LMFT, is hosting a grief & loss seminar on Sat, May 3, 2014 from 8:30am-12noon at Nena's Mexican restaurant (232 Jibboom St, Sacramento).  If you, or someone you know, has ever experienced a loss or been told to "just get over it already", then please attend this seminar.  You will learn how to better understand grief and how to take care of yourself after a loss, learn to talk to children about loss, and learn how to respond when people tell you to "just get over it". 

Cost is $40 for pre-registration or $45 at the door.  Registration includes a full Mexican buffet breakfast, interactive workshop, and workshop materials.  To register, contact Tina Glishich at or 916-480-9953.  You may also register via Eventbrite at  (Interns, your clinical supervisors may allow you to list this seminar as training hours.)
They require it.  We make it easy.
Only $79
Three easy steps to creating your professional will:
Step 1: Create a free account.
Step 2: Answer questions to personalize your Therapist Will.
Step 3: Print and sign your Therapist Will.

Your completed Therapist Will is just a few clicks away!

CAMFT Code of Ethics Rule 1.3. TREATMENT DISRUPTION: Marriage and family therapists are aware of their professional and clinical responsibilities to provide consistent care to patients and maintain practices and procedures that assure undisrupted care. Such practices and procedures may include . . . providing for a professional will.


Advertising Policy for the Newsletter

All ads and reviews are not to exceed 1000 key strokes. Chapter members advertise at no cost. Non-members can advertise about employment opportunities at no cost. Non-members, non employment-related ads follow these rates:


$10 for 200 key strokes

$20 for 201-600 key strokes

$30 for 601-1000 key strokes

Full page and ½ page ads are not accepted.


All ads contain text only; no graphics will be included.

Ads submitted that are longer than 1000 characters will be returned for editing. It is best to type your ad in a Microsoft Word document to note how many characters, how big your ad is, and for your own record keeping. Please visit our site to find more information on how to use Microsoft word for editing. You can then copy and paste it on our online submission form located here (

It is your responsibility to check for spelling and grammar errors.


Ads must be received by the 25th of the month in order to appear in the next newsletter. Ads are placed in the order that they are received.


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Mailing in payment: P.O. Box 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816

Emailing the Newsletter Editor:

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