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Membership Chair


  • Promote the benefits of membership to prospective and current members of SVC-CAMFT.

  • Inform prospective and current members of membership types and requirements.

  • Transfers any due received to Administrative Assistant and notify Treasurer of the transfer.

  • Communicate with Administrative Assistant any necessary changes to online member directory, and work with Sponsorship Chair to promote online directory advertisement space.

  • Respond to referrals of prospective members.

  • Establish a Membership Committee when and where necessary to assist with carrying out these duties and shall be responsible for supervising and coordinating activities of that committee as well as reporting to the President. 

  • May have such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or SVC-CAMFT's bylaws. 

The Membership Chair will attend five (5) board meetings and one (1) annual retreat. A maximum of one (1) board meeting can be missed.

Additional requirements for committee chairs and executive board members:

  • Executive board members who are not chairing or participating in a committee need to choose a committee to serve in whether as a chair or a member. 

  • Executive board members and committee chairs are required to attend a minimum of 3 the monthly workshops. Attendance will allow board members to interact with SVC members, listen to their feedback, and make the necessary changes to improve the quality of services we offer.

  • Committee chairs are expected to meet with the other members of their committee before each scheduled board meeting.  The committee chair should submit their committee meeting minutes to the president a week prior to the schedule board meeting to ensure putting important items on the board meeting agenda.

  • The committee chairs are also expected to collaborate with the president elect in developing the strategic plan for the next presidency.

Structure of the board meetings:

  • Review and approve meeting minutes of the previous meeting.

  • Committee chairs and executive board members will present on the following:

  1. Status on the motions voted on in the previous meeting related to their committee or the position they hold on the board.

  2. Progress status on strategic plan goals.

  3. Motions that need to be created to help the committee chairs and executive board members complete old and or new objectives. 

  • Committee chairs and executive board members are expected to send the president and the president elect a summary of what they want to be presented on their behalf, if they are unable to attend a scheduled board meeting. This will assure that we are able to operate efficiently with the absent of committee chairs and board members. The summary should include the bullet points described above.


  • Be a Clinical Member of CAMFT in good standing.

  • Be a Clinical Member of SVC-CAMFT in good standing for at least 1 year.
    *The qualifications of being a CLINICAL member of CAMFT and SVC-CAMFT may be waived on a case-by-case basis by CAMFT, but being a member in good standing for both CAMFT and SVC-CAMFT cannot be waived

SVC-CAMFT responsibilities are to provide:

  • Training and support for your volunteer position

  • Free entrance to SVC-CAMFT workshops and events

  • Ability to go to the Chapter Leadership Conference

  • Access to SVC-CAMFT’s private Board Discussion List

  • Access to CAMFT Chapter Leadership Discussion List

  • Access to SVC-CAMFT Board’s private Website

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PO BOX 163385, Sacramento, CA 95816    |    Email: 
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