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Bylaws Revision for 2020 

You might be wondering why we are revising the bylaws again, below are the reasons for the revision.

Article IV - corrected the 501c6 to 501c4 for Tax ID type - verified that 501c4 is what SVC-CAMFT has - verified against current and past documents

Article V, D. - Certificate of membership - removed signed by president since we have membership cards available online and is only available when member is active.

ARTICLE VI---A. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING An annual meeting of members shall be held in January unless the chapter Board of Directors elects another date and notifies members as provided in Section F of this Article. - Changed to November so that the membership approves the budget before the money has to be spent for the new year.  Changed any other area affected by the date change.

Article VI,G - It did read "To be valid, a ballot must be returned by mail or by electronic mail (e-mail) as approved by the Board of Directors.”  Changed to: “To be valid, a ballot must be returned by mail or by electronic mail (e-mail), or cast through an electronic means such as a website as approved by the Board of Directors.”  Added in the website part since we usually do the ballots through a website not returning them by email.

Article VII, A -  was "The Board of Directors, which will include the Executive Committee and the Chairpersons of theStanding Committees” to  The Board of Directors, which will include the Executive Committee and the Chairpersons of the following committees: 3000 Club Committee, Programs Committee, Volunteer Committee, Sponsorship Committee, Membership Committee,”  - clarifying which standing committees rather than creating more board positions.

Article VII, K,3, - Changed 45 days to December 15th in this line "The nominating committee shall prepare a ballot consisting of the slate of nominees. The ballot will be posted on the website by November 1 of the fiscal year preceding the date for newly elected Executive Committee members to assume office.  The closing date of the election shall be no later than December 15.” -Making it easier to figure out deadlines.

Click here to see the current bylaws 

Click here to see the proposed bylaws

Look below for the comparison